UCOR Section Descriptions

Browse UCOR section descriptions and explore Seattle University's academic writing seminars, course offerings, and faculty for upcoming terms.

UCOR 2100-03 Christian Environmental Ethics

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Kwon, David






Module II

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to fundamental questions in environmental ethics as they relate to Christian theological resources and practices. This course will simultaneously allow students to examine contemporary issues including but not limited to global climate change; biodiversity loss; the relationship between race, gender, poverty, and the environment; and intersections with other issues such as interfaith dialogues, sustainable peacebuilding, and business and economics.

UCOR 2100-03 Nt Storytellers: St. Paul

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Whitlock, Matthew






Module II

Course Description

NT Storytellers: St. Paul : Paul was the first Christian storyteller on record. But even from the perspective of the earliest Christians, the Apostle Paul and his writings were mysterious and obscure. As Paul traveled throughout the Mediterranean world, he told mysterious stories about Jesus that were composed ad hoc, composed out of the diverse metaphors from the cultures he visited. In many ways, each story was a collage of images collected from the well-traveled highways to the darkest corners of the Mediterranean world. In this course, we will travel with Paul, examine his writings, try to make sense of his mysterious stories and letters, and appropriate them to our modern context by comparing them to movies such as The Matrix and The Truman Show.

UCOR 2100-03 Social Justice & Christian Eth

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Kwon, David






Module II

Course Description

The Gospel of John records the mission of Jesus Christ as one of coming so "that they may have life and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10). Yet, we witness the opposite when we see powerful social forces (racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, etc) disrupt and dehumanize meaningful relationships between peoples. In this course, we will explore eight social issues to get at the heart of this contradiction. The first half of the quarter will focus on global relationships under the headings of global poverty, war, and environment. The second half of the quarter will attend to national relationships under the headings of national poverty, healthcare, incarceration, affirmative action, and feminism.

UCOR 2100-04 Nt Storytellers: Jesus

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Whitlock, Matthew






Module II

Course Description

Perspectives on Jesus explores Jesus' identity and his meaning for the people of his day as well as in the present. We will try to understand what drew people to Jesus and why he has continued to inspire so many even today. To do this, we will begin with the Christology of the New Testament but will move into how Jesus' identity and significance are interpreted in more recent theological reflection and in artistic representations. We will give attention to the influences of culture and gender on how people interpret Jesus' identity and meaning and consider the social justice implications of these views.

UCOR 2100-04 NT Storytellers: St. Paul

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Whitlock, Matthew






Module II

Course Description

NT Storytellers: St. Paul : Paul was the first Christian storyteller on record. But even from the perspective of the earliest Christians, the Apostle Paul and his writings were mysterious and obscure. As Paul traveled throughout the Mediterranean world, he told mysterious stories about Jesus that were composed ad hoc, composed out of the diverse metaphors from the cultures he visited. In many ways, each story was a collage of images collected from the well-traveled highways to the darkest corners of the Mediterranean world. In this course, we will travel with Paul, examine his writings, try to make sense of his mysterious stories and letters, and appropriate them to our modern context by comparing them to movies such as The Matrix and The Truman Show.

UCOR 2100-04 NT Storytellers: St. Paul

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Whitlock, Matthew






Module II

Course Description

NT Storytellers: St. Paul : Paul was the first Christian storyteller on record. But even from the perspective of the earliest Christians, the Apostle Paul and his writings were mysterious and obscure. As Paul traveled throughout the Mediterranean world, he told mysterious stories about Jesus that were composed ad hoc, composed out of the diverse metaphors from the cultures he visited. In many ways, each story was a collage of images collected from the well-traveled highways to the darkest corners of the Mediterranean world. In this course, we will travel with Paul, examine his writings, try to make sense of his mysterious stories and letters, and appropriate them to our modern context by comparing them to movies such as The Matrix and The Truman Show.

UCOR 2100-05 NT Storytellers: Jesus

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Whitlock, Matthew






Module II

Course Description

Perspectives on Jesus explores Jesus' identity and his meaning for the people of his day as well as in the present. We will try to understand what drew people to Jesus and why he has continued to inspire so many even today. To do this, we will begin with the Christology of the New Testament but will move into how Jesus' identity and significance are interpreted in more recent theological reflection and in artistic representations. We will give attention to the influences of culture and gender on how people interpret Jesus' identity and meaning and consider the social justice implications of these views.

UCOR 2100-05 World Religions & Catholicism

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Chan, Stephen






Module II

Course Description

This is the study of major world religious traditions, such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, with special emphasis on their inter-religious relationship with Roman Catholicism. The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the academic discipline of theological and religious studies, and to understand the tenets and history of Catholic traditions through the dialogical relationship with other religions.

UCOR 2100-05 World Religions & Catholicism

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Chan, Stephen






Module II

Course Description

This is the study of major world religious traditions, such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, with special emphasis on their inter-religious relationship with Roman Catholicism. The objectives of the course are to introduce students to the academic discipline of theological and religious studies, and to understand the tenets and history of Catholic traditions through the dialogical relationship with other religions.

UCOR 2100-06 Asian Religions and Christianity

Course Type:

UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations


Chan, Stephen






Module II

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide a panorama view of the vast and complex world of Asian religions in dialogue with Christianity through centuries of missionary works. The case studies of Matteo Ricci and subsequent Catholic missionaries in Asia will enable students to understand the basic theological teachings of Christian faith on God, human nature and the world. The pluralistic world of Asian religions becomes a tapestry of cultural milieu for the contextualization of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, and continues to develop and flourish until now.