Alumni Blog

Embodying the Mission of Seattle U Around the World

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on March 3, 2021 at 4:03 PM PST

A profile photo of Tiffany Harris, '08 standing in front of waterTiffany Harris, ’08, navigated the college search process on her own, but when she visited Seattle U, she remembers the campus feeling like home and a place where she would matter. “Seattle U believed in me, they invested in me and they made my college experience feel really small and connected. I always felt that I was a part of the community. It was a warm, supportive and yet challenging and rigorous community,” said Harris.

Empowered through the Ignatian phrase she heard so often while at SU “ite, inflammate omnia” or “go, set the world on fire,” Harris has always looked for professional opportunities that challenged her and would build a more just and humane world. “I have made it a point to look for signals, reflect and conduct soul searching at various point in my life to find out what looked interesting and where there was a need for my talents.” 

Harris’ career spans multiple sectors. She has overseen a global education program focused on accelerating IT and cloud-related learning at Amazon, served as Public Affairs Specialist for the Peace Corps Headquarters, is a founding member of Shalom Corps (Peace Corps’ Jewish Employee Resource Group), Peace Corps’ Diversity Board and has served on the Chief of Staff’s Diversity Governance Council. “My career path is not linear. It has gone in a zigzag motion. Both my professional and personal path choices have been influenced from what I learned from Seattle University, the Jesuit educational philosophy and the environment that was created on campus and in the classroom.”

She currently serves as the Chief Program Officer at Moishe House, an organization that engages hundreds of thousands of Jewish young adults each year to create vibrant Jewish communities. In her role she oversees 50+ staff members who support community builders around the world to host programming out of their homes, organize adult summer camp, develop immersive experiences and implement Jewish learning in over 120 houses in 25+ countries around the world. “When I moved back to the states in 2014, I was a resident in Moishe House. It was where I re-engaged with activism and community organizing. Our house was the center for book talks, text study, a place to learn about Judaism and a central hub in the middle of DC for young adults from varying backgrounds. It really shaped me in a meaningful way. Now, years later, to be working for the organization that had such a profound impact on my life is meaningful,” said Harris.

Whether it was working with the former President of Israel to help solve world problems or designing disruptive educational technology at Amazon, or now, helping to shape the way people interact with a 3,000 year old religion, her drive to make the world a better place, instilled in her through her SU education, continues to play a role in her everyday life. “The holistic education ethos, the social and extracurricular structure at Seattle U made me a builder. I am someone who can look at a problem that needs to be fixed and organize people, rally the community and build solutions,” said Harris.

Having lived abroad and on the east coast for the last 10 years, Harris finds that staying connected to Seattle U helps to maintain her ties to Washington State and continues to ground her in the values that she holds core to her identity. “When I meet people from Seattle U there is just a quality about them that I connect with.”  
Harris is looking forward to sharing her story as the alumni speaker of the upcoming SU Communities Connect event on March 24. “To have a network of over 84,000 alumni around the world and providing this opportunity to reconnect while working to ensure that we as a community feel whole again is exciting,” said Harris.  

Join us and other alumni in the Midwest, South and East Coast regions on March 24 to hear Tiffany Harris’ full story as well as President Stephen Sundborg’s reflection on 24 years as Seattle University’s leader by registering for this event.

There are two remaining SU Communities Connect virtual receptions.

Pacific Northwest – Tuesday, May 4 | 4:30-5:30 PDT

International Event Date Coming In April | 6-7 a.m. PST 

Friends Stay Connected Through Reading Redhawks

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on February 3, 2021 at 4:02 PM PST

A zoom screen capture of four women who were a part of the same Honors cohortCelebrating 60+ years of friendship initially fostered through the Honors program at Seattle University, friends Ann Johnson, ’63, Pat Wand ’63, Sydney Keegan, ’64, and Liz Mitchell, ‘63, have managed to stay connected to each other despite time and distance.

The Honors program at Seattle U provided this group of women the opportunity to be a part of a small learning cohort dedicated to the study of the literature and ideas that shape the development of our world. “We all shared a fear and trepidation about what we were entering,” said Wand. The program opened perspectives that they had never expected. “I think the fact that our literature and reading started from the East was incredible. That was my first real exposure to Eastern thought, and it became a major introduction to the world for me.”

Being a part of the Honors program made such an impact on the group that they helped to fund the Thomas L. O'Brien, S.J., and C. Robert Harmon University Honors Scholarship for future Honors students. “We so appreciated the scholarships we received and wanted to help future students,” said Johnson.

Thanks to the diligent sharing and coordination efforts of Johnson, the group has attended class reunions together, participated in campus visits and been a part of regional mixers and receptions throughout the years. “It has been so nice to meet SU alums in town and it was wonderful to hear Fr. Sundborg update us on all the latest news, developments and curriculum changes,” said Wand.

Mitchell adds, “It always feels like we are connecting to Seattle U when we get together. That time in our lives is so memorable that we always end up reminiscing.”

The new Reading Redhawks online book club series offered by the Seattle University Alumni Association has been a new favorite of the group. When Johnson got her email invitation to Reading Redhawks, she immediately forwarded it to her lifelong friends and suggested they participate together. Since the program was hosted virtually, the group was able to participate together despite living in different states around the country. “We were looking for things to do,” said Johnson. “This programming was new and different.”

Reenergized by the program’s subject matter and its relation to current events, coupled with the ability to actively discuss ideas with group members, the group was eager to participate in another lifelong learning experience. “Discussing these ideas with my friends with whom I haven’t talked about literature since 1962 was a bonus - an opportunity to refresh a dialogue and see how we each had developed intellectually over the last several decades. We moved to another Zoom account and carried on our discussion long after the first session with Dr. Madsen ended,” said Wand.

Keegan commented, “I was so excited to do something that felt like Honors again.”

With topics on the Plague hosted by Dave Madsen PhD, ’69 and others such as the Abstractions Of Black Citizenship: African American Art from Saint Louis hosted by the curator of the Hendreen Gallery, the group interacted with faculty and other alumni sparking expansive conversations. Putting context around the current social justice movement inspired the women to dig more deeply into issues that initially appeared to be on the periphery in their lives. “I personally got a lot of satisfaction, using my mind and examining the big issues in the larger community,” said Mitchell.

“I am so appreciative to be able to intellectually connect with Seattle University. I never realized how much I missed it,” said Wand. Gather some classmates and friends from your time at Seattle U and register for an upcoming Reading Redhawks session, a new professional development opportunity or an alumni community-hosted event. Reconnecting with fellow alumni, like this group of Honors students did, can ignite your spark to lifelong learning after graduation. By registering for an event, you automatically become one of the 10,000 alumni we are challenging to engage with Our Moment for Mission: The President’s Challenge by June 2021. Find a complete listing of events from the Seattle University Alumni Association here.