Alumni Blog

The Business of Making an Impact

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on September 2, 2020 at 3:09 PM PDT

A portrait of Elly Hein Trinh holding a white fluffy dogWhether cultivating her expanding career in sustainability by examining food waste, fair labor practices, shortening supply chain in her own ice cream parlor or as an energy auditor for Puget Sound Energy, Elly Hien Trinh, ‘13 is in the business of making the world a better place for future generations. 

“Seattle University has made a bigger impact on me than I could have imagined. SU’s influence can be seen in all aspects of my career,” said Trinh. What started as a theory learned in Professor April Atwood’s consumer behavior and sustainable marketing class has become the guiding principle and professional mission for Trinh. “After graduation, I continued learning about sustainable businesses and spent the next five years applying that knowledge everywhere I could, including in my restaurant business. But I kept thinking, ‘How do I make more people care? How do we solve this problem?’”

These foundational questions led Trinh to work for Cascadia Consulting Group and Eco Consulting groups that help to create sustainable communities. Like many others throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Trinh had to leave her job conducting field work due to health concerns. While this transition has been challenging, she has found support in the Seattle University alumni community that is helping to drive her forward into her next endeavor.

Connect with other alumni at upcoming professional development opportunities: 
Career Conversations 9/16 -  
Tools for Transition (Online Series) 10/6, 8, 13, 15 -  

Trinh attended several Seattle University Alumni Association professional development workshops, including Career Conversations. “Everyone that attends those events really care. The reason that I keep coming back is that Paula cares and encourages everyone else to care as well. We are lifting each other up and tapping into everyone’s resources,” said Trinh. The intimate and interactive nature of the workshops has encouraged Trinh to try new professional tips and tactics that helped her during this transition. “Every single week since I started my transition, I have made a point to meet with two new industry professionals. Previously, despite having a business degree, I found it difficult to network. But now, not really. I am excited! Every single time I meet someone, I am learning something.”

With all alumni programming going virtual in the fall, Trinh admitted that she is really enjoying the virtual environment and having the ability to connect with a broader range of alumni. “I really like the online events because it opens up the opportunity for a more diverse audience,” said Trinh.

Connect with other alumni at upcoming professional development opportunities: 

Serve Our Community

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on August 5, 2020 at 6:08 PM PDT

A JV Encorps Volunteer talking to a male in an artroomThe Jesuit Volunteer EnCorps (JVE), a program of Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC) Northwest, engages people 50+ in a rewarding experience of service, community engagement and spiritual formation. They are now offering new ways for members (JVEs) to serve from home during this time of increased need for those who are marginalized. 

As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, health and safety is vital. JVEs meet online each month, creating a safe, physically-distant but close-knit spiritual community. "JVE is such a creative and supportive community for lifelong learning and deep encouragement to live out one's faith and values in concrete service.  A rare gift," said Deborah Easter, '78.

JVE participants volunteer for 5-10 hours weekly over 10 months in a community agency or group with an environmental or social justice mission. Participants engage in monthly JV EnCorps community meetings and retreats and explore ways to sustain individual prayer, meditation and/or reflection practices[SS4] .

JV Encorps members serve in Seattle, Tacoma, Vancouver and Spokane, Washington as well as in Portland and Bend, Oregon.

Priority application deadline: August 31st.

For more information visit: