Alumni Blog

Providing Increased Access to Education

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on January 9, 2020 at 8:01 AM PST

Students and faculty standing outside of  the Lemieux Library

The Campaign for the Uncommon Good will provide students with access to inspired education, modern and updated programs and the financial freedom to pursue a brighter future. Our scholarships offer the hope of an otherwise unattainable future for more than 83 percent of our students. We must continue to endeavor to support high achieving students, who may never gain a college education due to financial barriers.

We understand that in order to increase the pathways to a Seattle U education, it requires the establishment of an endowment large enough to not only sustain current funding but grow scholarship dollars that will allow promising students access to an education that will help them transform the world.

Read Marika Yaplee’s, ’19, story about how a gap scholarship her sophomore year helped her continue her education at Seattle University.

Learn more about how Angela Flores-Marcus, ‘19, met with professors that helped her identify funding so she would be able to attend her “right fit” school.

Learn more about The Campaign for the Uncommon Good and how you can make a difference for Seattle U students.

SU Alumni Connect Updates

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on December 4, 2019 at 10:12 AM PST

Seattle U Alumni Connect Header

Over the past three years, 3,000 alumni have joined SU Alumni Connect to network with old classmates and stay connected to the university via various alumni community groups.

Unfortunately, as people rely more and more on social media, the level of engagement with the platform has not met expectations so we have decided to discontinue using SUAC.

We will be moving all chapters and affinity groups to Facebook. This will provide immediate access to information about community events and programming right at your fingertips using the Facebook account and app you already have. See below for a full list of our alumni community groups linked to their Facebook pages. Join now and stay connected!

All content and information on SUAC will be deleted on December 31, 2019. If you have any questions, contact Katie Powers at

For other ways to connect to alumni, join our LinkedIn group that has over 8,600 members or follow the Seattle University Alumni Association on FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Regional ChaptersAffinity Groups
Bay Area Chapter African American Alumni
Chicago Chapter Center for Community Engagement Alumni
Eastside Seattle Chapter Dance Marathon Alumni
Hawaii Chapter Filipino Alumni
Las Vegas Chapter GOLD (Grduates of the Last Decade)
New York City Chapter International Alumni of SU
Portland Area Chapter Student Athlete Alumni
Spokane Chapter SU Faculty and Staff Alumni
Tacoma Chapter Veterans and Military Alumni
Washington D.C. Chapter  Women of SU