Tapoja Chaudhuri, PhD
PhD in Anthropology, University of Washington
Assistant Teaching Professor, Anthropology and Sociology
Email: chaudhut@seattleu.edu
Phone: 206-296-2690
Building/Room: Casey 130-06
Tapoja Chaudhuri CV (PDF)
I received my Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Washington, with a specific focus on environmental anthropology. For my dissertation research, I analyzed the social processes through which community-based ecotourism programs enable participatory biodiversity conservation in a tiger sanctuary in Kerala in southern India. My research and teaching interests intersect with political ecology, ethnoecology, development studies, postcolonial studies, anthropology of place, anthropology of globalization and neoliberalization, and South Asia studies. My current research interest focuses on the interactions between gendered identities and human-plant relationships, with a specific focus on women who are engaged in Cannabis activism in Washington, USA.