Calculate Your GPA

Current GPA

To calculate estimated quarter GPA:

  1. Enter estimated grade (e.g. A, A-, B+) and number of credits for each course.
  2. The estimated Quarter GPA will appear automatically after the grade and credits of each class have been entered.
  3. If you need to get the current quarter GPA for more than 5 courses just click below to add another course.
Courses Letter Grade Course Credits
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
Course 5
Quarter GPA:

Cumulative GPA

To calculate estimated cumulative GPA:

  1. Enter current quarter grades and credits above.
  2. Enter current cumulative GPA below as indicated on your program evaluation.
  3. Enter credits attempted below (do not include current quarter credits).
  4. The estimated GPA will appear automatically after the grade and credits of each class have been entered.
Cumulatives Current Totals
Current GPA:
Total Credits:
Cumulative GPA:

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Arts & Sciences
Advising Center

Casey 110

Office Hours


9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.