We can help you review your Program Evaluation, explain the requirements for your degree, and other opportunities that could be part of your educational experience.
Advisors can help you create an educational plan that includes your academic, personal, and professional goals, such as an additional major, minor, internship, study abroad, and more.
We can also help you explore course options, make changes to your schedule, review registration holds, and answer other registration questions.
Once you have chosen a study abroad program and been accepted to the program, advisors in the ASAC and the Education Abroad office can help talk you through the course approval process.
Advisors can assist you in planning, preparing, and applying for graduate or professional schools. We also offer Pre-Law, Pre-Education, and Pre-Health advising.
ASAC staff can explain university policies and procedures and assist you in completing various petitions and forms.
If you are considering adding or changing a major/minor, the ASAC staff can help you explore the requirements of requirements of various majors and minors in Arts & Sciences.
ASAC advisors connect you with academic and specialized campus services necessary to achieve your educational goals and will work with you if you are on academic probation.
Casey 110
Office Hours
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.