Buses have brought me a lot of great memories throughout my life. I loved riding buses when I was a kid, watching people crowd onboard, and seeing the great views around Hong Kong. I also loved looking at different models of buses, each is unique. When I was seven, my dad gave me a toy bus, and that started my huge collection. At age of twelve, I started to shoot photos of buses. This is a popular hobby in Hong Kong called “Bus Fanning”. Bus fanners make photos of special busses, various models and colors, around Hong Kong. Sometimes they ride special buses but mostly bus fanners collect photographs of buses. My photo collection has grown to over 20,000 images and each represents something special and unique. My photos are made from specific angles and focal lengths. That photographic style reflects the aesthetic and culture of “Bus Fanning”.
When I traveled to Seattle to start my career at Seattle University, I discovered the buses around the city. This inspired me to make a new collection of photographs and I made over 10,000 images of Seattle buses. Living in Seattle gave me the opportunity to learn about a different bus culture and to see new bus models that don’t exist in Hong Kong.