1. Professor Davis’s Eligibility Checklist for a Letter of Recommendation
You meet the following requirements for a letter of recommendation:
Requirement #1
You have taken two or more courses with Professor Davis
You have taken one course with Professor Davis and know her in some other capacity (as an advisee or through extracurricular activities on or off campus)
Requirement #2
If you do not meet all of the requirements above, and believe you still have earned a letter of recommendation, please feel free to discuss these circumstances in person.
2. Professor Davis’s Procedures for Requesting a Letter of Recommendation
My deadlines: I write letters of recommendation on the first Friday of every month. That means that if you contact me to write a letter on March 5th, for example, for a deadline of March 20th, I will be unable to write the letter.
Step 1: Contact me in person or via email to request a letter of recommendation. Explain how you fulfill the eligibility requirements listed above.
Step 2: Email me the following documents: