We have traveled to Oregon and California where the mobile lab was used to collect data for a master’s thesis project examining athlete mass and vertical component force in Olympic kayakers. The lab has been used to connect with students and researchers at conferences such as AASP PNW, ACSM Northwest as well as universities including San Francisco State University and California State University – East Bay.
It has also has gone to various sporting events including the Girls on the Run Puget Sound annual 5k and the Seattle Seawolves rugby game where it has been used to engage youth and community members through various tests such as vertical jump height and force production.
Finally, the lab has been used to provide STEM education to a number of high school students in the area. If you’re interested in connecting with us and our mobile lab, please contact us, we’d love to collaborate with you!
Current Kinesiology graduate and undergraduate students can use the mobile lab for research projects, please complete this form if you are interested in reserving the mobile lab for your project.