Graduate Management Practicum

Graduate Management Practicum

David Rue (MFA '17) at his practicum at the Seattle Art Museum.


A key aspect of the MFA Arts Leadership program is development of a portfolio of practice in the field. The Graduate Management Practicum integrates and applies the arts leadership theories learned in the classroom with the realities of arts leadership. Practicums are real opportunities meant to help build a career through hands on, interactive experience.

There are four (4) distinct practicum options: 

  • Organization- Work with an arts organization. Find your own opportunity or work with vetted arts organizations.
  • Interview- Interview 4-5 arts leaders in a specific field/area of interest. Choose from a curated list or find your own networks.
  • Project- Create a tangible project like a podcast, petition, educational tool, etc., to further an arts leadership idea.
  • Research- Study a chosen arts leadership need/issue.

Through consultation with program advisors, students can choose to do the same option each quarter or switch throughout the program to suit their professional goals. No matter the chosen option, it is expected that each student will spend 40-50 hours on practicum work each quarter.

Year One

Year Two

Practicum Partners: Examples

The following is a sampling of organizations our students have worked with within their practicums, from major institutions to grassroots, experimental, and community-based entities:

If your organization is interested in partnering with one of our MFA Arts Leadership graduate students, please contact us at

Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2024!

No application fee

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Upcoming Events


  • Ashley Miller, EdD

    Ashley Miller, EdD

    Graduate Admissions Counselor
    (206) 296-5774

  • Office Information

    Hunthausen Hall
    901 12th Avenue
    Seattle, WA 98122