There are a variety of resources for students with concerns or complaints, depending on the nature of the issue.
If you need general assistance beyond that which is addressed below, please contact Kate Elias, Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs. Dean Elias will work with the student to assist in the resolution of the issue, identify the nature of the complaint, or identify additional supports. Contact information is included below.
The CARE Team responds to concerns regarding students who might benefit from additional resources and support. Concerns of this nature typically include students who may be experiencing short- and long-term illnesses, emotional distress, food or housing insecurity, isolation, or thoughts of suicide.
Students with concerns regarding academic activities, including instruction or advising, should first attempt to resolve the issue with the other person(s) involved. For example, if a student believes they are being treated unfairly by a faculty or staff member, they should attempt to directly resolve that issue with that person. If the student desires additional support or if the issue is not resolved at that level, the student is encouraged to reach out to the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs (contact information below). If the concern relates to disability accommodations, please first contact the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs, who also serves as the ADA coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences. If the concern relates to grading, please see the Academic Grading Grievance Policy.
Students with concerns for other students related to the student code of conduct, which includes respect for self, others, relationships, community, honesty, and property, should report any perceived violations of the code to the Office of the Dean of Students or the Department of Public Safety, depending on the nature and urgency of the complaint.
OIE responds to complaints of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and related retaliation, provides assistance with academic and work accommodations, housing modifications, and obtaining off-campus assistance. If the concern relates to disability accommodations, please first contact the associate dean for academic and student services, who also serves as the ADA coordinator for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Students with non-academic concerns, such as those related to student services like admissions, registration, financial aid and student financial services, student activities, housing, etc., please contact the appropriate department. For additional support, contact the Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs; contact information is included below.
Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs
ADA Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: (206) 296-2840
Building/Room: Casey 110