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What does a typical Masters in Accounting student look like?

Majority of Albers' Master's in Accounting students are in the MSAA program, pursuing their grad degrees fresh out of their undergrad accounting studies. The reason: To be CPA eligible, students must have 225 quarter hours. Undergrad Accounting offers 180 quarter credits while the Master's program provides 45 quarter credits.

The rest of our students are in the MPAC program and are seeking a solid accounting education that will provide them a pathway to CPA eligibility for these individuals, as well as opportunities in professional growth to take them to the next level of their careers.

Average GMAT score
Average GRE score
Average undergraduate GPA

Age range

MPAC age range chart

Gender distribution

MPAC gender distribution chart



Years work experience

MPAC work experience chart

Where they're from

MPAC student origins chart

Undergraduate Majors

MPAC undergrad majors chart


Two Programs, One Destination

  • The MSAA program starts once a year in the fall and is a full-time program. Students can finish the MSAA in four quarters if they take four classes per quarter. You can finish in five quarters if you take three classes per quarter. The program has internship options which may be completed the summer before the program begins. Please contact Graduate Admissions at if you need a summer start due to an internship.
  • The MPAC program starts once a year in the fall and is a seven- to nine-quarter, part-time program designed for working professionals. There are several prerequisite classes for the MPAC that need to be completed before a fall start. Internship opportunities are also included as part of this program.
  • Both programs are STEM-designated.

Learning Goals

On successful completion of this program, you will be able to:

  • Recommend a course of action to a prospective client by using a framework or model to analyze financial statements and other relevant data.
  • Evaluate the accounting implications of an economic event by applying the principles, standards, and practices of financial accounting.
  • Advise stakeholders of how strategic business risks relate to internal controls, financial reporting, tax, and/or audit using authoritative literature, fieldwork, surveys, archival, or other research data.
  • Synthesize accounting information within the context of other business functions to inform the business decision-making process.
  • Construct arguments for and against alternative accounting decisions by weighing the ethical, stakeholder, and stewardship implications of each.

Post-MPAC Job Titles

Deloitte Tax Consultant
PwC Risk Assurance Associate
Tableau Senior Business Analyst
KPMG Valuation and Transfer Pricing Manager
Bader Martin Accounting and Assurance Practice Manager