From Seattle University's 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog.
All undergraduate courses are 5 credits, unless otherwise noted.
Syllabi information is for reference only; information may not be current.
Basic statistical procedures, concepts, and computer applications used in the business world. Descriptive statistics, probability, decision theory, probability distributions, sampling distributions, statistical inference, chi-square analysis, and correlation. Prerequisites: (Offered fall, winter, spring)
Prerequisite: MATH 1331, 1334, or equivalent, sophomore standing.
Operation of the American economy with emphasis on prices, wages, production, and distribution of income and wealth; problems of the world economy. (Offered fall, winter, spring)
Prerequisite: Completed at least 30 credits
Organization, operation, and control of the American economy in its financial and sociopolitical settings; problems of inflation, unemployment, taxation, the public debt, money, and banking growth. (Offered fall, winter, spring)
Prerequisite: Completed at least 30 credits
A continuation of ECON 2100 with emphasis on the following topics: regression analysis, analysis of variance, data visualization, forecasting and other quantitative methods. Major emphasis will be placed on computer application of the quantitative methods applicable to business functional areas and on the enhancement of the student’s communication, analytical, and computer skills. (Offered fall, winter, spring)
Prerequisite: ECON 2100
Demand, supply, costs, and market prices under competitive and imperfectly competitive market conditions. Relationships between price and costs; income and its functional distributions in a capitalistic society.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, MATH 1130 or 1334
Develops the economic theory necessary to understand how the international macroeconomy works and influences the behavior and success of business. Emphasis on the impact of international macroeconomic events and how those events affect a firm's ability to compete. Serves as intermediate macroeconomics course for economics majors and minors. (fall, winter, spring)
Prerequisites: ECON 2130
A study of the key developments in American economic history; application of economic analysis to historical data and events; development of economic institutions.
Prerequisites: ECON 2110, 2130
Examines models of family decision-making and applications, such as marriage, divorce, division of labor and childcare. Analyzes competing explanations for the gender gap in earnings and employment. Considers viewpoints from mainstream economics to feminism.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110
Covers the economic analysis related to natural resource use, including depletable and renewable resources. Environmental topics include pollution, preservation, conservation, and development.
Prerequisites: ECON 2110, 2130
Focuses on the U.S. health care system and how it compares to other international systems. Examines key factors from both the demand and supply side of medical care from the perspective of microeconomic theory. Analyzes the impact of both institutional and public policy changes on patients, providers, and the overall U.S. health care system.
Prerequisites: ECON 2100, 2110, and Business Calculus
Economics and politics of the international system. Trade policy and international gains from trade. Economic and political institutions and economic development. International financial institutions, exchange rates, international financial crises. Pros and cons of globalization. Cross-listed with INST 3250.
Prerequisite: ECON 2130
Introduction to Asia and issues in economic development specific to Asia: "Asia as a myth", conceptualizing Asia; common issues for development in Asia; Asian-style democracy; international relations; autocracy, democracy, and development; policy formulation and reform; institutions and path dependency; NGOs; corruption and governance. Economic issues and problems in Japan, South East Asia, Korea, China and India. The New World Economy and the rise of China and India. Human rights, outsourcing, gender and globalization, and regional economic co-operation.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130
Nature, function, and regulation of financial markets in the LDCs. Financial repression and liberalization and their effects; financial instability; connections between monetary policy, fiscal policy, and inflation; microfinance; exchange rate regimes; central banking in the LDCs; secondary financial markets in the LDCs; the LDC Debt Crisis; The Asian financial crisis; globalization and LDC financial markets; international financial institutions and the LDCs.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130
Study of the theory and application of econometrics for students who need to understand and use regression, generalized least squares, and simultaneous equations.
Prerequisites: MATH 1330 or 1334; ECON 3100
This course emphasizes critical analysis of time series data and forecasting reports to understand the value and the shortcomings of forecasting practice. Topics covered include: single and multiple linear regressions, ARMA models, evaluation of forecasts, unit roots and vector autoregression (VAR).
Prerequisites: ECON 2110, 2130 and 3100
Applies economic analysis to the American legal system and particularly to the common law. the analysis considers the economic effects of legal rules, whether and how legal rules should be shaped to reflect economic concerns, and the extent to which the law has evolved towards economically efficient outcomes. The course encourages systematic thinking about moral issues and questions of justice.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, ECON 3110 recommended
Examines justifications for the public sector. Discusses tax and spending activities from the perspective of microeconomic theory. Analyzes the influence of tax and spending programs on household behavior, resource allocation, and the distribution of income. Considers tradeoffs faced by policymakers and the design of public policies. Surveys institutional details of existing federal and state government policies and considers reforms to these policies.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130, 3100
The causes and consequences of the interdependencies of firms, individuals, households, and governmental units within the constrained space of urban areas. Problems of land, housing, transportation, labor, and public services.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130, 3100 recommended
Discusses market definition, measurements and determinants of market structure, and the relationship between market structure and market power. Discusses how a single firm can gain and exploit market power. Analyzes rivals’ strategic reactions to market power using game theoretic concepts and tools. Studies roles of information and commitment in reacting to competitive threats or in exploiting competitive opportunities. Considers government response to private market power through economic analysis of antitrust and competition policies.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130. ECON 3110 recommended
Pattern, organization, and promotion of U.S. and world trade. Trade theories and policies. Exchange rates, balance of payments and the operation of international monetary systems. WTO. European Integration. Multinationals in foreign trade.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130, 3100. ECON 3130 recommended
Developing nations: agriculture, industry, population, education, technology, exports, imports, capital and savings, unemployment. Trade agreements and foreign aid. Prospects and limits.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130, 3100
Applied policy analysis for international development: Field research methods, internet data sources, statistical analysis, SWOT analysis, cost-benefit analysis, sector-wide approaches, project management, monitoring and evaluation. Applications include health care policy, environmental policy, education policy, and poverty reduction strategies.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130, 3100
Sources and causes of long run economic growth; factors which have kept some countries from growing. Cross national data on income levels and other measures of economic well-being. Economic models used to explain the growth process. Theoretical and empirical models are used to analyze the impact of government policies on economic growth.
Prerequisite: ECON 3100, 3130
Major historical developments in economic thought, ancient to contemporary, Christian influence, mercantilism, laissez faire; German and Austrian schools, Marx and socialists; Keynes and neo-Keynesian analysis. Can serve as Senior Synthesis for economics for Economics majors.
Prerequisite: ECON 2110, 2130. ECON 3100 recommended
An advanced course providing the opportunity for students to pursue topics in breadth and depth, and to apply the tools of economic analysis to current issues in national and international economic policy. Prerequisite: permission of department chair and three faculty member committee. Limited to economics majors fulfilling Senior Synthesis requirement. Does not satisfy economics elective for business economics major or economics minor.
See administrative office for prerequisites and course descriptions. (2 - 5 credits)
The study of economic and business environment of a foreign country. Course will include travel to the country to observe activities and conditions and to meet with representatives of businesses and other institutions. Location of tour can vary. Check with the department for details.
Open to seniors with an adviser's approval. Mandatory CR/F and will not satisfy a major requirement. (1 - 5 credits)
For more about internships, visit the Albers Career Center
(1 - 5 credits)