Industry & Professional Partner
We are currently enlisting innovative, talented, and successful professionals from diverse industry backgrounds, who are interested in varying degrees of student engagement. This program allows for employers and industry professionals to connect with students seeking career development assistance while promoting their brand on campus.
Below are some of the opportunities that you can engage in as a partner:
- Professionals Panel
Share your insight to an audience in the classroom or other campus partners: Contact Carol Lwali.
- Informational Interview
Connect with a student with related career aspirations over coffee or invite them to your workplace.
- Resume Reviewer
Serve as a resume reviewer at a mid-to large-size department event.
- Project Sponsor
Link with small teams of students to work on projects in the College of Science & Engineering.
- Alumni Join Redhawk Landing
Redhawk Landing’s mentoring and networking platform opens doors for students and alumni alike, connecting them to a powerful online resource where Seattle University's community members can build purposeful connections and mentoring.
- Lead a Career Workshop
Lead a hybrid/virtual/in-class workshop or collaborate with our Career Education Team to explore topics in career readiness or industry for students.
Contact Us