The QuIST is a free program improvement tool developed by the CCTS. It enables school districts to self-evaluate their transition services for students with disabilities. It is NOT used for compliance monitoring.
Districts can complete the QuIST using a computer-scored Excel workbook. The workbook includes formulas that autocalculate the results and display them on a summary scoresheet.
QuIST results can help school districts gain a common understanding of what constitutes quality programming and best practice in secondary special education and transition. The process of completing the QuIST promotes planning and continuous improvement to increase post-school outcomes for students.
The QuIST is based on Dr. Paula D. Kohler’s Taxonomy for Transition Programming framework (1996). It focuses on five domains, and each domain includes a series of indicators. Using the scale of Almost Always, Frequently, Sometimes, or Almost Never, districts rate how often each indicator is incorporated into their transition practices.
CCTS recommends that the QuIST is completed at least once a year by a team of four or more school district personnel, including but not limited to: