February 2023 - Reflecting on Harmony as a Value

February 2, 2023



February 2023 – Harmony as a Value that Guides our Everyday Lives This Month We Celebrate Interfaith Harmony Week (Feb. 1-7, 2023)




This month's CEIE message comes from SU STM-Alum Rev. Dr. Kara Markell.

Rev. Dr. Markell invites the listener to attend to what is taking root and emerging within themselves in February. Additionally, Kara invites the listener to explore this month's newsletter and CEIE's web platform.


February 1-7 is the Annual United Nations Observance of World Interfaith Harmony Week. The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) at Seattle University provides resources during this time to assist communities in responding to violence – as we saw in the Holy Land last week. We provide resources that encourage communities to respond to conflict by seeking deep insight and renewal. In the red bar below, we introduce a new resource below, where we highlight renewal at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pennsylvania, or in mosques attacked in Christchuch, New Zealand, and much more. Click the Seattle U red bar below - and engage!


Additional Resources

Visit Religica Theolab Resourcing Community


Celebrating Black History Month

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Seattle U. provides all kinds of resources, including learning about Black History Month, community events, recommended readings and Media. Click here to visit.


Alex Booker, Campus Minister for Religious Diversity,  shares his perspective.


Black History month is multivalent for me. On one hand I enjoy the focus on contributions of Black people across the globe in spite of the ever-present reality of anti-Black racism. As James Weldon Johnson says, “We have come over a way that with tears have been watered, we have come treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered” and we should be proud of not only the fact that we have survived, but in many cases, we are thriving.  

Read the full reflection here.



CEIE Winter Workshop Series - The Art of Spiritual Direction: Foundations, Practice, and Applications. (179 Registrants)



Our Winter Workshop Series on The Art of Spiritual Direction remains open for new registrations. Visit the Center website at www.seattleu.edu/thecenter and join us for our next two dates - February 16 and March 16, 2023


Cost – $30 for Entire Workshop Series (first session available via recording)    [Learn More on our Website]


Buddhist Dharma Talk with Ven. Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni


Our Interfaith Sharing Series for the 2022-2023 year begins again in February.  Join us for this virtual and in-person (Seattle U. campus) lunch series on Friday, February 3, 2023 as Venerable Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni speaks on “The Relief Found in Practicing the Teachings of the Buddha” [Learn More at our Theolab - Religica.org]


Register Here



The Interfaith Observer Winter 2023 Online Journal Issue - Now Live!

The Interfaith Observer (TIO) Winter 2023 Issue is dedicated to the topic of Religious Literacy, which, as our writers affirm, "is a critical competency for citizens in a religiously pluralistic democratic society and a requirement for generative religious freedom discourse" today.  In society, honest and productive conversation is "rooted in religious literacy. Without a shared language and the ability to properly 'see' religion in the room, religious-freedom work will fall short." The CEIE Team encourages you to enjoy, and to share widely, this timely issue of TIO with your classes, community, family and friends.


Eight new essays are now live in the TIO Online Journal.  Below are the final three highlighted in the newsletter. Follow the essays and links below for more splendid reading.

Center Student Affiliate Zachary Dar (see Photo below) reflects on Rabbi Anson Laytner's Article, "The Chinese Jews of Kaifeng" – Visit Reflection Here

Seeking Religious Literacy - Coming this Spring!


CEIE is creating something new - a public educational offering where faculty in their field create the lectures and SU students and alumni present these for a larger society yearning to learn.


In our day we need religious literacy to overcome barriers and exhibit empathy for each other to stay in relationship. In schools, workplaces, and communities, we experience we know people with religious and cultural identities.  CEIE, in cooperation with the Parliament of the World's Religions, is creating a non-credit-bearing course on Religious Literacy that invites a broad audience to learn in a spirit of curiosity, wonder, and awe. Paths open to new connections and possibilities this spring, 2023.


Center Student Affiliate Zachary Dar is seen in this image from last Friday morning at the Seattle U. Media Center, filming a presentation of his lecture for the forthcoming Religious Literacy course. "We worked all day - students and alumni - to build a shared voice in these lectures. To be the literacy we are hoping for in the world," Dar noted.


The Rev. Paul Chaffee

The Interfaith News Roundup - February 2023


This month's Roundup features stories around women being welcomed and taking roles of leadership in religious communities, the complex relationship between church and state, the darker side of religion and religious intolerance, and inspiring interfaith activities that are spreading peace and solidarity. Visit the Feb. 2023 Roundup


Visit our latest CEIE Webinar Recording, Now Available on our CEIE Vimeo Channel

Elise DeGooyer - Pathways in Solidarity: Faith Action Network in Washington State - Click Here


To learn more about CEIE Webinars, visit our website at https://www.seattleu.edu/thecenter/certificate-programs/webinars-and-more/webinars/  


See below for more information on local to international events and opportunities...

Conference – Jesuits and the Natural World

Date: 23 - 24 March, 2023
Venue: Pembroke College (Harold Lee Room)

Overview: With their worldwide reach and efficient channels of reporting and correspondence, the early modern Jesuits were uniquely placed to think about nature, botany, weather and what would come to be called human ecology, in a wider context than any group before them. These perspectives continued to resonate in different cultural and intellectual milieux over the centuries, and up to our present time.

The two-day conference will draw together and critically reflect on knowledge about Jesuit perspectives on the natural world from a wide diversity of disciplines, assessing its ongoing relevance for today. The conference will also showcase artifacts from the rich collections of Stonyhurst College and the British Jesuit Province through a pop-up exhibition held at Campion Hall. Register Now


Earth Talks CEJS Co-Sponsorship with CEIE




Seattle University's Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability (CEJS) is calling for five minute presentations from the Seattle University community as a part of Earth Talks, a virtual and in-person event on April 21, 2023. 


Presentation submissions must be submitted to cejs@seattleu.edu by March 1, 2023.


For more information please visit https://www.seattleu.edu/cejs/events/earthmonth/ 



Remembering Mabel Catherine (Erskine) Smith, 1944-2023



The Seattle University community is mourning the passing of one of our fine colleagues. Catherine's commitment to ecumenical communities in the Pacific Northwest was rooted in deep sense of faith, love and kindness that was an example of executive leadership for those who had the joy of knowing and working with her.  

We have highlighted some interesting links for a few of the events this month: 

  • 1-2 February 2023 - Imbolc (Feast of Torches or Lughnassad) How Is Imbolc Celebrated?  Click to learn more
  • 3 February 2023 - Four Chaplains Sunday - On February 3rd, the U.S. military and countless faith-based organizations marked Four Chaplains Day. The man behind GBH’s Curiosity Desk, Edgar B. Herwick III, joined host Arun Rath on GBH’s All Things Considered to explain the history behind the holiday and its local ties.  Click to learn more
  • 3 February 2023  - Setsubun-sai - Setsubun is celebrated in Japan on February 3rd, marking the day before spring with various traditions meant to drive away evil spirits and bad luck and cleanse the home and family for the coming year.  Click to learn more
  • 21 February 2023 - Losar (Tibetan New Year) - Here is What You Need To Know About The Tibetan New Year!  Click to learn more


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