June 2023 – Legacy and Community

June 8, 2023



June 2023 – Legacy and Community

This month's message comes from CEIE Director and Spehar-Halligan Professor Dr. Michael Reid Trice.

Read or Watch the Full Message Here



White House Releases Historic New Strategy to Counter Antisemitism in the United States

Visit the statement here: White House Statement on National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

This statement, a national strategy to counter antisemitism, outlines a whole-of-society approach, organized in four pillars of action that address key themes and threats raised by over 1,000 diverse stakeholders across the Jewish community and beyond. The strategy furthermore includes over 100 meaningful actions government agencies will take to increase understanding of antisemitism and its threat to American democracy, protect Jewish institutions and communities, reverse the normalization of antisemitism, and build cross-community solidarity.


KUOW-FM Seattle Public Radio Interview on "What will be the future of church in Seattle?" with Church Leaders in the Region

Connection: “The sacred texts, not just in the Christian tradition, but across the kind of religious, moral codes of conduct gives a preferential option to those who are marginalized in your communities, to widows and orphans, to those who are voiceless, and who have less power," said Trice, a professor and director at Seattle University's Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement, and an Evangelical Lutheran pastor. He said, “…churches are at their best when they help those in need.”

Listen and Read Here


CEIE - New Course: Seeking Religious Literacy - Course Open to All!

Seeking Religious Literacy is created for individuals or communities-of-learning. The cost of the whole course is just $100. To learn more about CEIE course offerings and group rates for our current course, contact us today at thecenter@seattleu.edu.


Register Now


Featured Articles for Splendid Summer Reading

Visit The Interfaith Observer (TIO). Enjoy and share timely articles with your classes, communities, families, and friends. This is Pride Month, and we include an article "Including LGBTQ Voices in Interfaith Work."

Explore the archive of wealth and wisdom today by clicking on the boxes below.


Visit TIO's June-July 2023 Religious Calendar! Click on the image below


The Interfaith News Roundup - June 2023

This month's Roundup features stories highlighting current trends in religious institutional affiliation, issues around the world arising from the relationship between church and state, the way religion is showing up in schools, and gifts spiritual practice can offer. Visit the Roundup Here


CEIE Spring Workshop & First Session Recording 

CEIE’s Spring Workshop – Leading by Centering the Margins – is committed to a university that sees itself as a venture aimed at transforming society by gravitating towards the margins. CEIE knows that effective leadership today must center those who have been marginalized in society. Doing so acknowledges the moral and practical harm of marginalization in the Commons and enables restitution through moral and institutional accountability.  

Recording of the 1st Session: Thursday, April 27: The Narrative of the Lie: White Christian Nationalism and Rage



Please check back on our website for the recording of the Second Session which took place on May 25th—Trans-Formation: Trans-Kids, Parents, and the Communities They Call Home  The recording will be posted here. 


Learning from Grandfather - Transforming Enemies into Friends

In this interview, Arun Gandhi (1934-2023) not only reflects on the teaching from his grandfather Mohandas Gandhi, but also his own life experiences. Arun Gandhi passed away at age 89. Arun was close to the Center's work and visited with our students on two different occasions to talk about the gift of anger as a motivational and creative force for change. We mourn his passing. Listen to this podcast on Religica.


Definitions of Spiritual Direction

Listen to the Art of Spiritual Direction Workshop playlist, including Dr. Valerie Lesniak speaking about definitions of spiritual direction. Valerie Lesniak, PhD served as a faculty member and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs over the course of 20 years at the Seattle University School of Theology and Ministry. Listen to this podcast on Soundcloud.


A Jesuit Identity that Imagines, Shapes, and Integrates

Professor Catherine Punsalan-Manlimos is the inaugural Vice President at Mission Integration at Seattle University and is also affiliated with the department for Theology and Religious Studies, spoke with CEIE Director Dr. Michael Reid Trice about Mission Integration and how we understand these in the vital life of a Jesuit University in the world today. Listen to this podcast on Religica.


See below for more information on local to international events and opportunities...

June 15-16 - International Conference on Buddhism and Philosophy of Religion (ICBPR) in Tokyo, Japan - Visit for more info

June 18 - Reflections on 40 Years Since the Islamic Republic of Iran Hanged 10 Baha'i Women in City of Shiraz. Their crime was refusing to renounce their beliefs in a faith that promotes the principles of gender equality. International record-keeping in conflict zones within geopolitical hotspots confirm time and again the special dangers women experience, in particular within marginalized and minoritarian communities. Visit for more info

June 30 - July 3 - The 22nd Biennial JAINA Convention in Lakeland, Florida, USA - Visit for more info

August 13-18, 2023 - Parliament of the World's Religions 9th Convening in Chicago: Join thousands of global attendees all under one roof building capacity, networks of support, and actionable responses to the issues facing the world. Visit for more info

August 16: Beyond Violence Convening - CEIE Joins a New National Movement A national movement for peace that includes Pax Christi USA and the Anti-Defamation League is meeting this summer to create a sustainable working vision for this generation and a culture of peace. The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at Seattle University will attend the Chicago meeting in August 2023.

August 17: CEIE's Director and S.P. Professor Dr. Michael Trice Presents this Summer on Panel of Experts related to Petroleum Divestment Strategies: The panel explores how organizations and universities are strategically divesting from petroleum. Panelists include Karenna Gore: author, lawyer, and climate activist.


Below are some book and article recommendations from our team.

The Tao of Leadership by John Heider 

Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor  

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Compassionomics: The Revolutionary Scientific Evidence that Caring Makes a Difference by S.Trzeciak & A. Mazzarelli

Taking Our Places – The Buddhist Path to Truly Growing Up by Norman Fischer 

PRRI (Public Religion Research Institute) newly released study: Religion and Congregations in a Time of Social and Political UpheavalTopics include multiple religious belonging, the perceived value of religion and impact of Covid-19 on belief, trends in religious participation, new religious affiliation movements, and religious pluralism vs. Christian Nationalism.


CEIE Words of Wisdom as We Enter a New Season 

The appendage of the stem of a plant–a leaf–represents more than its physical extension from the larger root system it belongs to. Like leaves of a tree, words of wisdom and discernment grow analogous to the long days of summer. Leaflets, which make up a greater compound leaf, provide an opportunity to root in us, to sit down under the bow or canopy and consider the weight of their importance to us in this season, in the yawning summer...

Below are some Words of Wisdom that our CEIE team has reflected upon these past few seasons. 


"Before the plague, the flower of healing has already bloomed." – Quote retrieved from Dharma Talk on April 21.

- Sofia

"Don't forget to breath. We have to learn to do this as a practice every day."

- Jessica

Thank you. Have a great summer!



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