March 2023 – The Student Experience of Leadership

March 1, 2023


March 2023 – The Student Experience of Leadership


Zachary reflects on his student experience of leadership within the Center, which he says has revolved around several different and exciting projects. Listen above on Vimeo or read the full message here


“Being one of the four undergraduate Student Affiliates is an incredible experience because it has allowed me a platform to grow personally and professionally," Dar said, while reflecting on his Student Experience of Leadership within CEIE. 


CEIE Student Affiliate Zachary Dar is a third-year undergraduate student getting his bachelor's degree in forensic science. He is the current President of Seattle University’s Infinity Club, an on-campus group devoted to supporting neurodivergent students. 




Clergy Institute – For Interfaith Learning

Sponsored by Temple De Hirsch Sinai & Seattle U. CEIE



Save the Date - May 25 2023




Jonathan Greenblatt is CEO of ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), the world's leading anti-hate organization with a distinguished record of fighting antisemitism and advocating for just and fair treatment to all. Jonathan joined ADL in 2015 after serving in the White House as special assistant to President Obama and director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.


Jonathan recently published his first book,  It Could Happen Here: Why America is Tipping from Hate to the Unthinkable—And How We Can Stop It, a bracing primer on how we—as individuals, as organizations, and as a society—can strike back against antisemitism and hate.


CEIE Winter Workshop Series - The Art of Spiritual Direction: Foundations, Practice, and Applications. (182 Registrants)



Our Winter Workshop Series on The Art of Spiritual Direction remains open for new registrations. Visit the Center website at and join us for two Thursdays in a row on March 9 and March 16, 2023

Cost – $30 for Entire Workshop Series (first session available via recording)    [Learn More on our Website]

Register Here



CEIE Spring Workshop Series - Leading by Centering the Margins



Our  Spring Workshop Series on Leading by Centering the Margins is now open for registration.  We invite two conversations featuring two experts in the filed on each evening, focused on lifting the voices of committed community leaders whose work reflects the needs of today. Effective leadership today, must center those who have been marginalized in society. Doing so acknowledges the moral and practical harm of marginalization in the Commons and enables restitution through moral and institutional accountability.

Our Spring Workshop Series will be led by Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward Donalson, III who will moderate two panelists each session.  Dr. Donalson is the Director of Doctor of Ministry for the School of Theology and Ministry of Seattle University where he serves as core faculty, teaching in multiple degree programs.


Cost – $10 for Entire Workshop Series (attend one or more sessions, as you prefer)
CEIE promotes the valuation of ideas through group study! If you attend virtually with a group of five people, we will pay the cost of all five members of your group. Please contact the CEIE Coordinator at for information
[Learn More on our Website]


Register Here



Coming Up – Buddhist Dharma Talk with Zen Master Jeong Ji/Anita Feng

Our Interfaith Sharing Series for the 2022-2023 year begins again in April.  Join us for this virtual and in-person (Seattle University campus - SINE 200) lunch series on Earth Day, Friday, April 21, 2023 as Zen Master Jeong Ji/Anita Feng will speak on "Calling the Earth to Witness[Learn More at our Theolab -]


Register Here

Dr. Steen Halling - The Lived Experience of Forgiveness: Phenomenological and Psychological Perspectives 

Steen Halling, PhD, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Psychology at Seattle University, brings over four decades of study on the psychology of forgiveness. Is forgiveness necessary? Does it require slowing down? Is it a kind of amnesty or is it something else? It is to be "fully attentive." Listen and find out why.


Watch the Dharma Talk Recording with Ven. Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni, Karuna from Friday, February 3, 2023 Below:



The Religica Theolab welcomed Venerable Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni of the Karuna Buddhist Vihara of Boulder Creek, CA.  She shared "The heart starts to change: it becomes softer and becomes more caring. And when we notice these changes in ourselves, then we start to see the value of these practices.” Read more on our Religica Theolab website.


Featured Articles For Your Splendid Reading


Visit The Interfaith Observer (TIO). The CEIE Team encourages you to enjoy, and to share widely, the timely articles of TIO with your classes, community, family and friends. Explore the archive of wealth and wisdom today by clicking on the boxes below.


The Interfaith News Roundup - March 2023


This month's Roundup features stories about the state of Christianity, the problems with anti-blasphemy laws in Pakistan, the shifting and sometimes complex religious identities of today's youth, a new law in Ohio that offers students more flexibility to observe their religious holidays, troubling examples of Christian Nationalism and religicide, and ends with an inspiring example of interfaith solidarity.


Visit the Roundup



CEIE is creating something new - a public educational offering where faculty in their field create the lectures and SU students and alumni present these for a larger society yearning to learn.


Religious literacy enables us to exhibit empathy for each other and to cultivate healthy relationships today. Wherever we meet–schools, workplaces, and communities–we experience people with unique religious and cultural identities.  CEIE, in cooperation with the Parliament of the World's Religions, is creating a non-credit-bearing course on Religious Literacy that invites a broad audience to learn in a spirit of curiosity, wonder, and awe. Paths open to new connections and possibilities this spring, 2023. 



See below for more information on local to international events and opportunities...


Maurice A. Bloem – 100 Mile Hunger Walk



The 100 Mile Hunger Walk is an annual event founded by CWS's Chief Sustainability & Impact Officer, Maurice A. Bloem, to raise awareness & funds to end hunger, poverty & injustice around the world.  This year's 100 Mile will take place from March 27 - April 1, 2023 in Seattle, WA & the fundraising campaign will run until the end of the summer.


For those in the Seattle area, sign up here to meet with and/or Walk n' Talk with Bloem. Walk for a mile, two, or see how long you last! If you’re on or near Seattle University on Tuesday, March 28th, come out and join with Bloem as he walks around the SU track and campus from 9AM – 3PM. We gather at 8:00 AM at Seattle University for a light breakfast and conversation in Casey 130, and then walk together.  Sign up here for our CEIE Breakfast with Maurice on Tuesday, March 28th.  


If you would like to support this partner’s excellent work, consider doing so to support ending hunger in the world: 



Earth Talks CEJS Co-Sponsorship with CEIE



Seattle University's Center for Environmental Justice and Sustainability (CEJS) is calling for five minute presentations from the Seattle University community as a part of Earth Talks, a virtual and in-person event on April 21, 2023. 


Presentation submissions must be submitted to by March 1, 2023.

For more information please visit


Global Ethic Essay Contest Opens for 2023 Parliament Convening



The Parliament of the World’s Religions invites essays that engage its signature document, “Towards a Global Ethic (An Initial Declaration),” also known as the Global Ethic, in the lead-up to its 2023 international interfaith Convening in Chicago, USA. The top three contest winners will receive a cash prize, complimentary registration to the 2023 Convening, and will give a reading of their essay in a dedicated program session. Click here to read the Global Ethic. Winners will be announced on April 31st.


We have highlighted some interesting links for a few of the events this month: 

  • 8 March 2023 - International Women's Day Click to learn more
  • 8 March 2023 - Holi - The Meaning Behind the Many Colors of India’s Holi Festival?  Click to learn more
  • 20 - 21 March 2023 - Nowruz - Much like the spring holiday of other cultures, Nowruz is an eco-friendly holiday which champions unity, peace and solidarity between generations, growth, and renewal.  Click to learn more
  • 21 - 27 March 2023 - Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Struggling against Racism and Racial Discrimination Click to learn more
  • 22 March 2023 - Ramadan Starts - Ramadan 2023 Around The World: When and How is It Celebrated?  Click to learn more 

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