May 2023 – CEIE Cherished Partners: Walking with Resilience

May 2, 2023


May 2023 – CEIE Cherished Partners: Walking with Resilience 

This month's CEIE message comes from the Senior Rabbi of Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Daniel A. Weiner. 

Senior Rabbi Daniel Weiner believes passionately in building Judaism for the 21st century and in healing the world through social justice.

Read or Watch the Full Message Here



CEIE Student Affiliate Job Openings -- We Are Hiring!

CEIE is hiring three Seattle University Student Affiliates for the 2023-24 Academic Year! You can visit the job applications on our website here, which will direct you to the Handshake student portal. 

CEIE is thrilled to announce the launch of our Seeking Religious Literacy Course, which is now open for registration. In this public, self-paced and non-credit bearing course, faculty in their field curate the lectures and SU students and alumni present them - The course is open to all!

The entire course costs $100. It is created as a journey for individuals or communities-of-learning. To learn more about CEIE course offerings and group rates for our current course, contact us today at


Register Now!


Featured Articles For Your Splendid Reading

Visit The Interfaith Observer (TIO). The CEIE Team encourages you to enjoy, and to share widely, the timely articles of TIO with your classes, community, family and friends. Explore the archive of wealth and wisdom today by clicking on the boxes below.

Share an article below on Facebook or LinkedIn, tag CEIE (CenterEIE) and your name will be submitted into a raffle for one of five tickets for free registration to the 130th year of the Parliament of the World's Religions convening in Chicago this August 2023!


The Interfaith News Roundup - May 2023

The overarching theme of this month's Roundup is ethics. It highlights ethical struggles we face today as well as inspiring actions religions are taking to right wrongs they've committed in the past and become more inclusive.

Visit the Roundup


The Rev. Paul Chaffee 

Sponsored by Temple De Hirsch Sinai & Seattle U. CEIE


Jonathan Greenblatt is CEO of ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), the world's leading anti-hate organization with a distinguished record of fighting antisemitism and advocating for just and fair treatment to all. Jonathan joined ADL in 2015 after serving in the White House as special assistant to President Obama and director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation.

Agenda below for the 42nd Clergy Institute - May 25th

  • 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
  • 9:30 AM Continental Breakfast
  • 10:00 AM Keynote
  • 11:30 AM Lunch & Book Signing
  • Noon - Q&A

Register Here - May 25, 2023


CEIE Spring Workshop Series - Leading by Centering the Margins

Our Spring Workshop Series on Leading by Centering the Margins begins its second session on Thursday, May 25 and is still open for registration! 

Cost – $10 for Entire Workshop Series
CEIE promotes the valuation of ideas through group study! If you attend virtually with a group of five people, we will pay the cost of all five members of your group. Please contact the CEIE Coordinator at for more info.
[Learn More on our Website]


New College and a Threat to Higher Education

Dr. Amir Hussain is Chair and Professor of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, where he teaches courses on religion. His own particular specialty is the study of Islam, focusing on contemporary Muslim societies in North America.  

See below for more information on local to international events and opportunities...

Re-Wilding Conversation Lunch 

On April 18th, CEIE hosted a regional conversation on Spiritual Re-Wilding, and drew on a panel of undergraduate  students, who led a conversation on the tranformational power of story and shared values. Attendees discussed creative ways to enhance community belonging in an age where traditional structures struggle for exerting religious authority.




August 14-18, 2023 - Parliament of the World's Religions 9th Convening in Chicago

Join thousands of global attendees all under one roof building capacity, networks of support, and actionable responses to the issues facing the world. 

The Parliament of the World’s Religions is issuing a call to conscience to defend freedom and human rights at the 2023 Parliament of the World's Religions, convening August 14-18, 2023 at the McCormick Place Lakeside Center in Chicago, USA.

The 2023 Parliament Convening is gathering a community of international guests committing to reach beyond talk of injustice and facilitate action for climate, peace, justice, women’s dignity, the next generation, Indigenous peoples, and religious communities from around the world.

For more information click here


Remembering Arun Gandhi, 1934-2023


Arun Gandhi, who was Mahatma Gandhi's grandson and a tireless champion of the marginalized around the world, passed away at age 89. Arun was close to the Center's work and visited with our students on two different occasions to talk about the gift of anger as a motivational and creative force for change. We mourn his passing.


We have highlighted some interesting links for a few of the events this month: 

  • 29 April to 2 May - International Bahá’í Convention - This gathering takes place every five years at the administrative and spiritual center of the worldwide Bahá’í community. These delegates, who represent a cross-section of humanity, will participate in consultative sessions and elect the international governing body of the Bahá’í Faith, the Universal House of Justice. Click to learn more
  • 4 May 2023 - National Day of Prayer - President Biden issued the annual, congressionally-mandated proclamation marking the National Day of Prayer, religious freedom advocates expressed concern about the state’s explicit endorsement of religion. Click to learn more
  • 16 May 2023 - International Day of Living Together in Peace
    - The Day invites countries to further promote reconciliation to help to ensure peace and sustainable development, including by working with communities, faith leaders and other relevant actors, through reconciliatory measures and acts of service and by encouraging forgiveness and compassion among individuals.  Click to learn more
  • 25 May 2023 - What Is Shavuot (Shavuos)?- Click to learn more

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