The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) at Seattle University is dedicated to the Ignatian sensibility for “finding God in all things,” with a preferential option for convening faculty and practitioners (CEIE Scholars) who engage topics at the margins of society.  

Evident in our scholarly projects to date, CEIE scholars are convened across disciplines.  They commit to studying a specific topic.  The chosen topic will present a significant moral, societal, theological and cross-disciplinary challenge for the world.  Our most recent project focuses upon Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age. 

CEIE Scholars meet twice, draft and share papers that respond to the topic, and then engage in a form of Ignatian discernment that is specific to the Center’s formula for advancing literacy on the topic and all related themes. 

CEIE distributes the results of the study through a reputable journal or publisher and develops an online resource for use in local communities wherever there is access to an internet connection.   

Explore our two latest topics of study and engagement below and return for more news about forthcoming projects. 

A university that sees itself as a venture aimed at transforming society will gravitate towards the margins of society, i.e. to the people who are left out by the structures and interests that dominate our world. Such a university will throw open its doors and windows to the people at the margins, who will in turn bring with them a new breath of life that will be source of life in abundance for what we are doing to try and transform the world.

– Father General Arturo Sosa SJ World Meeting of Jesuit Universities, July 10, 2018 

Featured Podcast

President Eduardo Peñalver – Global Challenges, Curriculum and Raising our Empathy I.Q.

Gratitude, Injury, and Repair in a Pandemic Age with dandelion background

CEIE Scholars were convened (2020-2022) over a virtual platform to study the pain of an unfolding pandemic in the world.  Theologians, clinical psychologists, sociologists, historians and religious scholars discussed determined the injury of “a pandemic age” that is not identical with Covid-19.  Additional societal breakdowns and a rise in existential incoherence is taking place in the world.   

An edited volume will be released in the coming academic year. In addition, visit the Center’s Religica Theolab for a view of the new multi-media resource being created, for use in your community. 

  HOMELESSNESS A Center Engaged Boxed with cityscape in background

Scholars were convened (2016-2019) alongside those who experienced homelessness.  Theologians, sociologists, historians, and local practitioners met, and a major study led to a published text: Land of Stark Contrasts: Faith-Based Responses to Homelessness in the United States (Fordham Jesuit University Press). Land of Stark Contrasts is edited by Manuel Mejido Costoya. Order it today.

This inter-disciplinary volume is a collection of essays, each of which explores the role of religion in understanding and responding to homelessness and housing insecurity in the United States. 





Meet the CEIE Scholars: Theologians, clinical psychologists, sociologist, historians, and religious scholars, from numerous cultures and contexts, engaged in the project study.  Click on the image and learn about them. 


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