Center Message December 2022

December 5, 2022

A Season of Light – Prayer, Spiritual Direction, and Religious Literacy

Good meeting and greetings to you. My name is the Rev Justin Almeida. I am a graduate of Seattle University’s School of Theology and Ministry with a Master of Divinity focused on Chaplaincy. I am an ordained and endorsed Unitarian Universalist minister affiliated with University Unitarian Church in Seattle, WA in the United States. In this legacy, I serve as a chaplain and spiritual care provider with Swedish Providence Medical Center, and I am also a member of the advisory council for the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement.



The Center is committed to being a beacon of connection between and within traditions of faith, spirituality, indigenous, and cultural wisdom. In service, it spreads the light of human spirit locally, nationally, and internationally. In creativity, it shines human loving kindness through webinars, workshops, and other sources of theological praxis. It convenes under the light of spirit, heart, and mind, bringing together the best of humanity in conversations of immediate importance to human wellbeing and flourishing. Its light explores the depths of human participation in the work of creation. 



This December’s theme is the healing capacity of light in our lives, with a focus on meditation and reflection, and the foundations of discernment for how we shine our light daily. Discernment is the human process of looking within, and without, for sources of guidance, inspiration, and direction that effects our lives. A spiritual practice I use for discernment is rooted in the indigenous traditions from my Mesoamerican ancestors – spending time in personal and communal sacred space to pray and meditate, lighting candles and burning copal incense as a way of awakening my senses, and connecting with the natural world to listen for wisdom in terms of balance, adaptation, and growth. I invite you to reach into, and share, your cultural and spiritual traditions for practices of discernment during these winter months. 



Across traditions in the Northern Hemisphere, there is a special focus on light as our days grow shorter and light more precious leading up to the winter solstice. It is a sacred time of anticipation as human beings wait for the dance of the earth to reach apex and begin the journey toward summer once again. At the Center, we lift up the Jewish celebration of Hanukah as a season of light that reminds us of the miraculous power of human faith and spirit when life seems hopeless and the future bleak. However you find yourself in this season, may the spirit of light and love be with you, and guide you toward deeper peace. 



As you contemplate, meditate, and discern on the question, “what do you want to bring with you into the new year of 2023”, will you register and join me and others for the Center’s winter workshop series on The Art of Spiritual Direction? The first of these three workshops takes place on January 19th. Registration can be found on the Center’s homepage. While you’re there, explore the many offerings the Center has provided to guide individuals and communities toward being beacons of light in our world. 



For instance, we hope you’ll attend the CEIE webinar series “Pathways in Solidarity” on December 8th, featuring Faith Action Network’s executive director Elise Degooyer as she shares how the Faith Action Network brings together over 160 faith communities in advocacy for a more just, peaceful, and sustainable world.  



Thank you for partnering with the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement in our discussions and actions. We welcome all people of goodwill in engaging with us in our work. If you have questions or ideas for the Center, please contact us through our web presence. And continue to participate with us in research, dialogue, and action that engages the whole of the human person, in mind, heart and spirit. May you go in peace, to love and serve the world with the brilliant light of your humanity and divinity. 


Reverend Justin Almeida

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