When: Friday, June 6, 2014 9:00 AM OR Saturday, June 7, 2014 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Where: Chardin Hall Room 145
Description: The purpose of this workshop is to clearly demonstrate how the Global North's longstanding and oppressive mindset regarding Race, Racism, and Whiteness (RRW) has informed the current climate emergency, and how a change in that mindset is essential for effective climate justice to work. Participates will begin to identify and then change those same dynamics so they do not continue to scuttle their ongoing climate justice work. This conference will be put on by the Hackman Consulting Group.
When: Tuesday, April 22, 2014 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Where: Pigott Auditorium
Description: Renowned author and speaker Vicki Robin will address Money, Food and Resilience: Living with Enough. In the course of our lives we'll eat approximately six tons of food, own six cars, live in 11 homes and wear countless items of clothing, yet all of this consumption is largely unconscious. We use, eat and wear these items without much consideration of the core question for all of us: how much is enough and how do we know? Resilience is the ability of any system to recover from stress, be it an I-beam, a person or a community. Part of resilience is having what you need to survive and thrive. Another part is not having what you don?t need, releasing rather than hoarding, spreading the wealth around so everyone has enough.
When: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 7:00 PM
Where: Community Room Admissions and Alumni Building
Description: Come listen to the world's first and only stand-up economist, Dr. Yoram Bauman, explore how policy can effect personal behaviors and carbon emissions. Dessert will be served!
When: Friday, January 16, 2014 7:30 PM
Where: Campion Ballroom
Description: YouTube Sensation AJ Rafael will be performing a benefit concert at Seattle University, and all proceeds will go to School of the SEA (Sea and Earth Advocates). School of the SEA is a leading environmental education organization whose facilities were devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. SU community members are also invited to fast in solidarity with Yeb San, the chief Filipino negotiator to the UN climate change meetings in November, 2013.
When: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:30 - 8:00 PM
Where: Admissions & Alumni Building
Description: Come out for and celebrate food day with free food and a screening of The Apple Pushers, a movie about immigrant street vendors selling fresh fruits and vegetables to inner city New Yorkers. The film not only addresses the issue of food deserts where low income residents have little access to fresh fruits and vegetables – but also the issue of immigrants and what they do for our country.