Egencia Training Resources


There are two main roles in Egencia; Traveler and Arranger

Role Responsibility Training Video
Traveler Manage your own profile. Book travel for themselves. Manage their own itineraries.  Link

Can do the same as the Traveler role for both themselves and any Traveler who is assigned to them in the Arrange section of their profile.


Please view the "Arranging travel for others" video below to learn how to add a Traveler or Arranger to your account.

SU Specific Webinar

This Webinar course was designed specifically for Seattle University Traveler and Arranger roles. It includes how to book travel for guests of SU and group travel.

SU Egencia Webinar Training Video

Additional Training Videos

Below are links to training videos from Egencia on different subjects. Before starting, it is recommended to watch the training videos above for your Role. The Role training videos provide more details about the process as a whole compared to the videos below.

Getting started on Egencia

Booking flights on Egencia

Booking hotels on Egencia

Booking cars on Egencia

Booking trains on Egencia

Managing your trips on Egencia

Arranging travel for others - includes information on group travel

Training Hub - includes live trainings, pre-recorded trainings, and on-demand videos