Mental Health Disabilities

Supporting Students with Mental Health Disabilities

Students whose emotional or psychological disorder significantly impacts their academic performance may be eligible for accommodations. Some disorders, which might be disabling, include: severe depression, bi-polar disorder, posttraumatic stress syndrome, and multiple personality disorder. In general, students with emotional or psychological disorders do well in school. However, in some cases emotional/psychological difficulties may interfere with attendance, information processing, and academic performance.


If appropriate, refer the student to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). Avoid taking on the role of counselor with the student.


A student’s medication might cause them to be drowsy or inattentive where they may need to leave the room due to the effects of medication. Please do not draw attention to these behaviors.

Student Conduct

All students are held to the same conduct code printed in Seattle University’s Student Handbook.

Alternative Testing

A student with a psychological or emotional disability might need test accommodations arranged through Disability Services.

For Additional Assistance:

  • Call us 206-296-5740
  • Email us
  • Join us in the Zoom Disability Services Virtual Lobby (between 9am-3pm Mon-Fri)
  • Visit us at our Disability Services Office at Loyola 100 (open Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm, except holidays)