Earth Month 2020

earth month logo: an earth surrounded by multicolored flowers

Logo created by Sheena Kapila (junior, Digital Design), winner of the 2020 Earth Month Logo Competition 




Each year, in the weeks leading up to Earth Day, we encourage action and participation in initiatives that focus on the urgent need for environmental protection and climate solutions.

Check out Earth Month in the News

This year was different: April 22nd marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, the Earth Day Network (global organizer of Earth Day) marked the 50th anniversary with the first Digital Earth Day, a global digital mobilization. The Earth Day 2020 theme was "Climate Action." Check out our digital Earth Month initiatives below and at #SUEarthmonth.



When: Earth Day, April 22, 2020  Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM (session 1) and 2:00PM-3:15PM (session 2)
Where: Zoom link:
Description: Join us for Seattle U's virtual Earth Day event: EARTH TALKS. Students, faculty, and community partners will present short 5-min talks about environmental justice and sustainability research, service and activism. Tune in live and bring your team, class, or club to this online celebration of Earth Day's 50th anniversary which will include an interview with Earth Day co-founder Denis Hayes. Contact for more information. SEE HERE FOR THE "EARTH TALKS" EVENT DETAILS, SCHEDULE, AND SPEAKERS



When: April 22  Time: 12:00PM-12:10PM
Where: Zoom link:
(the prayer will follow immediately after the “Earth Talks at SU” morning session on Wednesday, 04/22; same Zoom link)
Description: Across the nation, people of all faiths will join their voices together to pray for action on climate change each day during Earth Week and "Faith Climate Action Week" from Monday 04/20 to Friday 04/24 at 12:00PM local time. On Earth Day, 04/22, Rev. Victoria Carr-Ware of Campus Ministry will lead the prayer for our SU community. Join us with households and congregations across the nation for prayer together.



Description: The theme of this year's global Earth Day is "climate action." Interested in learning more about the topic, having a conversation about climate change and solutions, or covering the theme in your classroom? Not sure where to start? Resources for interactive discussions and easy-to-use digital activities have been compiled by the "UCOR 3800-04 Confronting Climate Change" class and CEJS. See here for the Earth Month 2020 Resources "Make Climate a Conversation." If you have any other useful resources to share, please send them to


Help Shape Digital Earth Month

Description: Help the Earth Day Network build a global Idea Map, collecting all of your creative solutions to celebrating Earth Day from home. Add your idea of environmental actions you can take at home and place it on your city.


"VOICES CARRY": Digital Campaign by Earth Day Northwest 2020

When: April 15-22  
Description: On April 15th, Earth Day NW 2020 begins 'Voices Carry,' a digital campaign engaging 50 influential voices and the public to share their visions of positive change in the world over the next 5 years. This interactive campaign will not only make people aware of the power their voices have, but inspire action by providing tools and information to do so. On April 22, attend the 72 hours livestream by the Earth Day network including a new song “Voices Carry” by Hollis Wong-Wear (@wongweezy), who is an SU alumnus. Follow #voicescarry2020.



When: April 22  Time: All Day
Description: Amid the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic, Earth Day Network, the global organizer of Earth Day, will mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with the first Digital Earth Day, a global digital mobilization on April 22 to address the most urgent threats to people and the planet. Earth Day Network will provide live coverage of the global digital mobilizations from its social media accounts (@earthdaynetwork). Plans are underway to develop a major global event, coordinated across digital platforms to mark the 50th anniversary. Other digital events will include virtual protests, social media campaigns, online teach-ins and more. A full scope of digital actions will be available at, #EarthDay2020 and #EARTHRISE. 



When: April 20-24  Time: 12:00PM local every day
Description: Across the nation, people of all faiths will join their voices together to pray for action on climate change. Join the households and congregations across the nation praying together with video recordings of faith leaders at 12 noon local every day during Faith Climate Action Week. Also, see this wonderful climate prayer map with Earth Day blessings from around the world.


Earth Day EcoChallenge

When: April 1-30, 2020
Description: Pick an action and make a commitment to make our common home a healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable place. Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day by joining a global community of advocates and changemakers, each doing what we can, in ways that are most relevant to us. Join the Seattle University team and explore and select actions here. 


Sustainability in Sports Webinars

DescriptionThe Sport Ecology Group, in partnership with the Green Sports Alliance, is hosting a series of webinars throughout the month of April. The webinars are open to the public but require registration. For more information regarding registration and descriptions about the various talks including "Teaching Sustainability in Sport," featuring Seattle U's Dr. Brian McCullough, visit the website by clicking here and/or view the flyer here.


Solve Climate by 2030: Nationwide Virtual Teach-in on Climate Solutions and Justice

When: April 7, 2020  Time: 6:00PM-8:00PM
Where: Online: Attend WA State Event here
Description: The Center for Environmental Policy at Bard College is organizing simultaneous power dialog webinars, one in every state in the country, to hear from climate solutions experts across the nation about ambitious but feasible actions in their state to get on track to solving climate by 2030. Faculty at all levels and across the curriculum can assign viewing of the webinars live or recorded as homework, and then spend the next class discussing climate solutions. Solve Climate has disciplinary guides for follow-up discussion here. 


Earth Month Student Film Competition

When:  April 29 at 6:00PM-8:00PM
Where: Zoom meeting ID: 981 2993 1379 
Description: The Indigenous Student Association & Indigenous Peoples Institute present the 3rd annual "Earth Month" film competition. This year the theme will be "How does climate change affect me?" Video submission deadline is April 25. Grand prize:$150. Click here to see the flyer for the Earth Month Film Screening.


WA Sustainability in Higher Education Webinar: "Taking Action for Climate Solutions"

When: April 29  Time: 1:00PM-3:30PM
: Zoom at
Description: The Washington Higher Education Sustainability Coalition (WAHESC) is organizing an Earth Day webinar focused on "Taking Action for Climate Solutions" with an emphasis on student perspectives. The event is in support of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and to show solidarity, share ideas, and bring environmental justice, sustainability and climate action topics to our entire state. SeattleU students Hanna-Marie Lucero, Taylor McKenzie, and Dae Durisko will present. See event details and list of speakers and presentations at 




POSTPONED: Resource Conservation Traveling Display

When: April 6-May 3, 2020
Where: Bellarmine  Xavier, Campion, and Chardin Residence Halls
Description: The Resource Conservation Traveling Display is meant to educate SeattleU residents on their usage of energy and water, and to encourage resource conservation through small and easy lifestyle changes. Check back soon for the display materials.


POSTPONED: Green Dorm Certification Pilot

When: All month of April
Where: Bellarmine Residence Hall
Description: The Sustainability Reps at SU are launching their "Green Dorm Certification" pilot, a student-led initiative to encourage the development of sustainable living behaviors in student residents. Check back soon for flyer, more info, and updates.


POSTPONED: Make A Commitment

When:  All month of April
Where: Campus-wide
Description: Coming soon!


POSTPONED: Climate Friendly Cooking Demo

When: April 7, 2020 Time: TBD
Where: C-street 
Description: Coming soon!


POSTPONED: Screening 'The Pollinators'

When:  April 8 Time: 6:00PM-8:00PM
Where: Bannan Auditorium 102
Description: The growth of almost all our fruits, nuts, and vegetables would be impossible without pollination from bees. That's one out of every three bites we eat! An untold story that warns why the bees are in serious danger. Student-led team Food with Spirit is intended to highlight the crucial role pollinators play in our food production systems by engaging students in the cinematic journey this documentary entails. Download the official Pollinator Screening Flyer.



When:  April 14th and 15th 

  • Second Floor of the Student Center Time: 11:00AM-1:00PM 
  • In the Greenhouse (13th between E. Columbia St. and E. Cherry) Time: 4:30PM-6:30PM

Description: The National Garden Day Plant Sale is intended to raise awareness on campus about the Edible Campus Initiative and urban agriculture, as well as raise funds for the continuation of these programs. The event is open to the public. We will be selling a variety of edible plants and houseplants. For more event details, see Plant Sale Day. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! Sign up here


CANCELLED: Mission Day - Environmental Justice and Sustainability

When:  April 16, 2020 Time: 9:00AM-12:00PM
Where: Redhawk Center
Description: Coming soon!


POSTPONED: Food Forest Founding/Planting Festival 

When:  April 16, 2020 Time: 1:00PM-4:00PM
Where:  Broadway Community Garden (726 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122)
Description: The Grounds Department, Earth Month Planning Committee, Mission Day Planning Committee and the Edible Campus Initiative are working together to initiate the development of a Food Forest on SU campus. The founding will entail an expansion of the existing Broadway garden space via the planting of trees and establishment of a gathering space. For more event details, Food Forest Flyer.


POSTPONED: Zero-Waste Day

When: Earth Day, April 22, 2020
Where: All day event 
Description: SU has committed to going zero waste on Earth Day 2020. In an effort to raise awareness and educate students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community, all public trash cans will be taped off with a red X on April 22nd. In the weeks prior to the event, zero waste outreach and educational materials will be shared across campus to prepare for this special day. Wondering what zero waste is and how you can best prepare for the day? Check out this great resource with Tips for a Zero Waste Day at SU.


POSTPONED: Spring Clothing Swap


  • Donation Drop-off dates: April 27- May 1 Time: Monday-Thursday: 9:00AM-5:00PM and Friday at 9:00AM-4:00PM
  • Clothing Swap Dates: May 5- May 7 Time: All-day event

Where: Commuter Link (1103 Building, Room 105)
Description: This event is organized by SU Collegia 'The Commuter Link'. Goal is to focus on sustainable ways to upgrade and clean out your wardrobe while bringing the campus community together for a great cause. The event is FREE and open to all members of the Seattle University Community. There is no obligation to donate or pick up new pieces. All leftover items will be donated to a local organization. For more details, see here. Questions? Email, call (206)-296-2191.


POSTPONED: Weigh the Waste

When: April 27th-30st throughout the week
Where: C-Street Market
Description: How much food do we waste each day at SU? What's the impact of SU’s waste on our communities? Come and learn about Redhawk Dining and SU Recycling Department's efforts to minimize food waste from our cafes, kitchens, and around campus.

Earth Month NEWS

Earth Month Events