Jamie Margolin- Keynote Speaker
Jamie Margolin is a 19-year-old Jewish Colombian-American organizer, activist, author, public speaker, and Film & TV student at NYU. She is the co-founder of the international youth climate justice movement Zero Hour. Read more of Jamie's bio here.
Earth Talk presentation: Getting to the Roots of the Green New Deal
The Earth’s global temperature is expected to rise 4° Celsius by 2100 if drastic worldwide changes are not made immediately. This will inevitably and irreversibly alter every aspect of life on Earth. How will our seasons and societal systems change? The Green New deal is a resolution seeking to address climate change through a just transition to renewable energy sources. Jamie will present a vision for the future that is focused on structural change to our entire economic and energy system and addressing socioeconomic inequality.
Donna Moodie - Keynote Speaker
Donna Moodie is the Executive Director of the Capitol Hill EcoDistrict & Executive Vice President of Community Development at Community Roots Housing. Read more of Donna's bio here.
Earth Talk presentation: Everyday Environmentalism
The average person can be a champion for the movement against the Climate Crisis; Donna believes that activists do not have to belong to a certain class, socio-economic or educational background. She emphasizes that welcoming people to the movement who are just beginning to understand what their role is is incredibly valuable. Donna will highlight acts of preservation, conservation, the economy, and resilience and hopes to share the story of a few contributors. It's a people's movement and we can ignite growth.