Accreditation is a review by experts of the quality of an institution’s program. In the United States, accreditation is the primary method that informs the public about whether a program is meeting standards set forth by its profession and providing a high quality education
The School Counseling program is fully accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). CACREP is the premier accrediting body for graduate counseling programs.
As a leader in counselor preparation, we hold the distinction of being the first CACREP-accredited institution in Seattle and one of the first accredited institutions in Washington state. There are over 600 CACREP-accredited programs in the United States.
The counseling program meets or exceeds the standards set for by the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB) in the state of Washington.
Accreditation provides recognition that the content and quality of a program has been evaluated and meets standards set by the profession. The student, as a consumer, can be assured that appropriate knowledge and skill areas are included and that the program is stable, professionally and financially. The benefits of graduating from an accredited program are many.