Q: How do I submit a request to pick up hazardous waste
A: Please submit a Facilities Work Order with a bullet-list inventory of what you'd like to dispose of. Include chemical name, component percentage, amount/volume, and location of waste. Ensure your waste is properly labeled in a closed container. Please allow up to one month for the completion of hazardous waste work orders. Note: if you are located in the Sinegal building, do not submit a work order. Please coordinate with the Storeroom, Hazardous Materials, and Instrument Manager.

Q: Where can I find a hazardous waste label?
A: Here is a PDF of hazardous waste labels. Packs of sticker labels are also available by request from ehs@seattleu.edu.

Q: How can I tell if my waste is hazardous?
A: Try referencing this chart to assist in making a waste determination. If you're still not sure if your waste is hazardous, you can submit a Waste Assessment Request and EHS will examine the waste.

Q: Are used batteries and lightbulbs considered hazardous waste?
A: Used batteries and spent lighting are considered "universal waste," a type of hazardous waste that is less strictly regulated. These do not require a hazardous waste label. A Facilities WO may be placed for disposal of these items.

Q: What if I need hazardous waste picked up, but I don't know what it is?
A: You can submit a Waste Assessment Request and EHS will examine the waste and make a determination regarding disposal. For unlabeled, unknown hazardous materials, a small fee may be charged back to the department to offset the cost of chemical testing by the University's hazardous waste vendor.

Q: Will hazardous waste disposal be charged to my department?
A: Hazardous waste disposal is covered by Facilities EHS. However, for unlabeled and unknown materials, a small fee may be charged back to the department to offset the cost of chemical testing by the University's hazardous waste vendor.

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