Make your major matter


Every year, Seattle University students earn competitive grants to fund graduate school, research, service opportunities, and travel abroad. At the Office of Fellowships, we mentor you throughout the application process. 

We are a resource for you whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student, or have already graduated from Seattle University. We will work with you throughout the year, including summers and breaks.

What is a fellowship? 

A Fellowship is a competitive grant that may fund graduate school, research, service opportunities, and travel abroad. Fellowships invest in your future potential, rather than simply award you for your past success. 

While “scholarship” and “fellowship” are often used interchangeably, they are different types of grants. A fellowship will usually include an internship or other service commitment for a period of one or more years, while scholarships are often immediate and one-time awards.


 Why should I apply for a fellowship?

If you are interested in graduate school, professional school (e.g. law, medicine, and business) study/work abroad, and/or professional development, you are highly encouraged to consider national awards.

Fellowships vary in length of commitment, field of study, and type of service. As you consider applying for a fellowship, you should also consider these differences. 

SU students have received these prestigious fellowships

Contact Us

Current photo of E. Kwan

Erin Kwan

Fellowship Coordinator


Make an appointment with us!

Whether you are learning about the opportunities in the world of fellowships or you're ready to start applying, it's never too early or too late to make an appointment with the Office of Fellowships to learn more. We currently offer both in-person and virtual meeting options.

Visit our Bookings link to make an appointment.