Your education is perhaps the only asset you will ever have which is guaranteed never to decrease in value. We are accustomed to extended payments for valuable expenditures—such as a home or automobile. Student loans allow you that same flexibility.
Your ability to repay the loan is based on the reasonable assurance your future income with your graduate degree will make loan repayment more than manageable.
Seattle University offers the following loans to graduate students. Below is only a sample of what we offer. Please visit the Student Financial Services website for more information.
The following loans all require a credit review by the lender before they are approve.
Private Educational Loans are available to student borrowers through banks and credit unions. The interest rate is variable. Interest accrues while you are in school. Repayment of the loan begins six months after you leave school or drop below half-time enrollment (3 credits). Students may borrow annually up to the total cost of attendance, less financial aid. Because Federal Direct student loans offer better loan terms, more repayment options and, in some cases, eligibility for cancellation of some of the loan principal, students are encouraged to maximize their eligibility for federal loans prior to applying for private loans.
Most require the student to be a degree seeking student and registered for at least half-time study. However, some of the Continuing Education Loans can be used for less than part-time study and non-matriculated status. To find out more information about these types of loans and apply, please go to our Private Loan Lender List. You will be able to compare interest rates, fees and other incentives that lenders provide.
Please visit the Student Financial Services website for more information on other educational assistance.