Earth Month and Arbor Day News

EARTH MONTH Grounds and Waste Management 2023 

Grounds and Waste Management Staff and campus Students Projects: 

Recycle –  Earth Month Zero Waste Events:

This year for Earth Month the Recycling Department's Zero Waste Interns hosted two zero waste focused events, a Sewing and Clothing Repair Workshop and International ZW Bingo. At the Sewing and Clothing Repair Workshop student learned beginner level mending and clothing repair techniques. While at the International ZW Bingo event, students enjoyed several rounds of bingo while learning about global zero waste practices. For more information about Seattle University's Recycling Department and the events we host visit compost recycling.

Students sewingStudents sewingStudents playing bingo.Group photo of students.

International ZW Bingo, Sewing and Clothing Repair Workshop


Grounds staff and campus student volunteers work together to rejuvenate and give a fresh look to campus garden spaces. 

Edible campus initiative supports food security; OMA Food Pantry, RBUFW Culturally Relevant Produce Growing for Food Security for immigrant families; 

SU Greenhouse and yard greens, okra, squash, cucumber, eggplant and more for SU OMA Food Pantry and RBUFW. Starting this year, greens will be grown year ‘round in the greenhouse for OMA Food Pantry and local food banks.  

GreenhouseGreenhouse interior.Greenhouse InteriorGreenhouse interior showing plants.Ground area for planting.Students in front of farm

 Seattle University greenhouse and yard                RBUFW staff & SU students


SU Partnership with Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetland, RBUFW, Culturally Relevant Program supports their program growing veggie starts in our heated, lighted greenhouse allowing early seed sowing for produce that requires longer hotter growing seasons. 

Students start sowing seeds for campus, OMA Food Pantry and RBUFW in late February / early March and continue grow and harvest through summer.  


Grounds and Engineers for a Sustainable World at the Chardin Edible Garden Renovation 

The edible garden space updated to a more open space for fruit and herb growing with some lawn for a gathering space. ESW members participate in demolition, irrigation installation and new garden installation. Thank you ESW!

Chardin rennovations.Chardin garden rennovation.Chardin garden rennovation.Students helping rennovate chardin garden.

Grounds staff and Sullivan Law School Environmental Law students at the Red Hawk Center 14th ave garden update included lawn and some tree and shrub removal and became a pollinator planting including trees, shrubs, perennials and groundcovers and mulch. Thank you SLLH ‘Outlaws’ ! 


Students rennovating hawk grounds.Students rennovating hawk grounds.Students rennovating hawk grounds.Students rennovating hawk.

Other Earth Month news from Grounds

Grounds reduces carbon foot print by replacing 2 more gas powered mowers, 2 weed whackers and 3 blowers all with EGO brand electric battery powered equipment !  

2022 Tree Campus Higher Education Designation Awarded


The Grounds team located on campus and transplanted a 6’ yew tree, Taxus ‘brevifolia’, for the SINE building completing the landscape installation and connecting with the yew tree taxol, used in healthcare, with DNA sequence reflected in the building windows facing 12th ave.  

Taxus Brevifolia

SU Taxus brevifolia; 4/6/2023