Searching for Housing in Seattle

Neighborhood Rates

Below are average rates for different neighborhood areas around Seattle. We encourage you to use a site like Zillow for the most up-to-date rates.

Housing & Residence Life does not endorse any landlord, management company, or individual who lists with the Places4Students. Instead, we provide a venue for such listings through a landlord registration program, and a location for the University community to seek out available off-campus housing in the Seattle area. 

Neither Seattle University nor Housing & Residence Life guarantees in any manner the service or quality of service offered by listed landlord, management companies, or individuals. Students, parents, and other members of the University and Seattle community are under no obligation to utilize the Off-Campus Housing services or to rent from companies or individuals listed with the Housing & Residence Life Office. 

15th Avenue Capitol Hill

Make Sure You...

Affordable Housing Search

Below are different affordable housing search options:

Holding Deposits 

If you apply for a unit, a landlord may charge you a deposit to hold the unit while screening your application and/or as security that you will move in once you've been offered a rental agreement. Holding deposits require a written receipt that clearly describe the terms. A landlord cannot keep a holding deposit if you fail the application screening. However, if you change your mind about renting the unit, you will likely forfeit the holding deposit. Law for Deposits 

Rental Agreements 

A rental agreement, or lease, is a legal contract that defines the terms of your rental, including the amount of rent, when rent is due, deposits and fees, damage policies, parking, maintenance and more. 

To avoid problems, make sure you understand the agreement completely before you sign it, and inspect the rental unit for damage before you move in. Talk over everything with your potential landlord. Don't be afraid to ask questions. 

Neighborhoods Surrounding Seattle University