Promotional Increases

“Promotion” is defined as elevation to a new position with essential responsibilities that are significantly greater than the current position and a higher Market Reference Range. The pay rate is adjusted on the date of promotion by a rate of 5% minimum. The actual adjustment rate may be higher based on the following factors:

Graphic showing MRR salary range from lowest to highest in 4 quartiles including a mid-point.

  • Current pay rate relative to the new position’s Market Reference Range.
  • An assessment of attained capabilities compared to the essential requirements of the new position. Typically, someone who is being promoted will be judged to be developing toward the requirements of the position and the recommended pay rate will reflect this assessment.
  • Availability of funds within the cost center or college/school/division. 

When the promotion occurs at the same time as an annual merit review the promotional increase will be no less than the increase earned for performance in the review year. The actual increase may be greater based on the guidelines stated above.
Division management consults with Human Resources on all aspects of a planned promotion including appropriateness of the action and pay.