The research and scholarly pursuits of Seattle University’s undergraduates will take center stage as they unveil the second volume of SUURJ next week.
SUURJ—pronounced “surge”—is the Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal. The journal was launched last spring to highlight the research achievements of SU’s undergraduates while providing an editorial apprenticeship experience for students through a credit-bearing program.
The second volume will officially be released at 9 a.m. on Friday, May 11, in Student Center 160, to kick off the Seattle University Undergraduate Research Association’s annual Celebration of Student Research.
“So often will students pour hours of work, time and effort into their research, whether that be in the lab or the library, only to show it to one or two other people,” says Wiley Martin, who edited the journal last year. “SUURJ is a platform that celebrates such effort, and publishes it for all to see.”
Current editor Jesse Goncalves echoes that: “As an author, SUURJ meant an opportunity for my work to go through a thorough revision process and be seen by an audience beyond my professors and classmates. Upon joining the editorial team, SUURJ has become a project that I feel ownership over and a community of which I am an integral part.”
The journal also provides invaluable hands-on experience for students as they explore career options in related fields.
“It took me about three years to figure out that I wanted to go into the editing/publishing world after graduation,” says current editor Mackenzie Reed. “Because of this, I was really hesitant to join SUURJ; I was afraid that if I did I would find out that I didn’t like it or that I wasn’t good at it and I would have to go through the soul-searching process all over again. As it turns out though, I’m so incredibly grateful for my involvement with SUURJ. It gave me confidence in myself and my future and set me on a path to truly finding what I'm most passionate about.”
“To me,” says Emily Boynton, a member of last year’s editorial team, “SUURJ was a great way to explore a career path that I am interested in. Through the course I not only learned the basics of copyediting, but I was also able to apply this knowledge to an actual publication. I gained valuable job experience that will benefit me as I move on to work outside of the university setting.”
SUURJ is a joint project of the College of Arts and Sciences, the English Department, the Office of Sponsored Research Programs, and the office of the Provost. Molly Clark Hillard, associate professor of English, serves as the journal’s faculty editor.
For more information, visit SUURJ.