Curriculog is Seattle University’s digital curriculum management system. It automates the curriculum proposal process and improves this process’ transparency. Curriculog integrates with Acalog (SU’s digital catalog system) so course information is consistent and accurate.
Starting fall quarter 2022, Seattle University transitioned to Curriculog.
Curriculog shifts the curriculum proposal, review, and approval process from a hybrid paper/digital process to a fully digital process. When your department/program has agreed on changes to your program and/or course(s), you select the form for the applicable change, answer all the required questions in the form, and click "Validate and Launch Your Proposal" to launch your proposal.
The proposal will follow the standard process for review and approval as it has in previous years.
Below are the different types of proposals that may be submitted. The forms have been updated to streamline the proposal and review process. You can save your work on the form prior to submitting it for review. The old paper forms are no longer valid.
Major/Program/Certificate/Minor Forms
Course Forms
Seattle University transitioned to using Curriculog starting Fall Quarter 2022 to support the curriculum proposal process. Review How To Use Curriculog: A Guide for Seattle University Faculty and Staff and reach out to John Fleming with questions or for individual virtual consultations.
Curriculog was the recommendation of a 2019 working group which studied with due diligence the best tools for improving academic/curricular operations at Seattle University. The working group included colleagues from the Core, Department level/Chair, Deans’ offices, Deans’ Council, PRC, the Provost’s Office, ITS, and Procurement. They made a unanimous recommendation to shift our process--a process which, at that time, relied on paper forms and, by necessity during the pandemic, moved to a digital form--to Curriculog.
Big picture, Curriculog optimizes the existing curriculum proposal process by addressing faculty and staff priorities and by alleviating pain points at each stage in the proposal submission, review, approval, and implementation process. By shifting our existing process to a fully digital environment, the curriculum proposal process will be less cumbersome, less prone to data entry errors, and more transparent.
Yes. An initiative within Goal 1 of the Reignited Strategic Directions is to Reimagine Academic Program Review and Assessment (Goal 1.2). A working group of faculty and staff was created and their first task was to review and recommend changes to the curriculum proposal forms as the institution shifts to Curriculog. The product of this stage in their work can be seen in Curriculog.
Please send any feedback on the forms to John Fleming.
No, Curriculog integrates with Acalog as well as our Student Information System to ensure more accurate data throughout all of SU’s systems. All applicable fields within the Curriculog forms are imported—once they’ve been approved-- into Acalog. If there are minor copy edits that still need to be made once a proposal has been approved and imported, please contact Katie Grothe in the Office of the Registrar.
No, the curriculum proposal review process remains the same. Once your department/program agrees to a curriculum change—a revision to the program, the addition of a new course, etc.—your department/program fills out a form and submits it for faculty-led peer review through multiple stages of the university. Curriculog will allow you to track your proposal’s progress through the review process.
The curriculum proposal process is an annual process which involves programs and departments, chairs and directors, college and school curriculum committees, deans’ offices, the Program Review Committee and Academic Assembly, the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Registrar, and, depending on the proposal, Student Financial Services, the President, and the Board of Trustees. Faculty and staff at all of these various stages are being trained to use Curriculog effectively.
As we pilot new forms and train people to use a new system this year, we will also create opportunities for feedback and input so we can continue to improve our systems.
Please email to be assigned a role that allows you to approve proposals. Please be sure to indicate what role you will have (e.g. Department Chair) and who had your role before you (if applicable).