Course Offerings and Senior Synthesis

The four Biology Degree Programs include these major requirements:

Biology Courses:


Senior Synthesis for Biology Majors:

As part of the SU Core Curriculum, each Biology major must complete Senior Synthesis, which includes career discernment, reflection, and a year-long project.  

All students will develop a literature-based mini-review on a biology topic of their choice.  Each senior will work with a faculty mentor as they peruse scientific literature and develop their reviews in fall and winter quarters.  In the spring quarter, each student will participate in presentations in which the review is described to our departmental senior class and the faculty.

If you plan to graduate in Winter 2024, Spring 2024, or Fall 2024, then you should enroll in Senior Synthesis courses during the 2023-24 school year (Fall-Winter-Spring). Register for a section of BIOL 4991 in Fall 2023.

All Biology Majors will complete the following Senior Synthesis series of courses, 2 credits per quarter:

Fall:  BIOL 4991

Research review topic selection, mentor selection and discussions, and career/education/future direction planning

Each senior should register themselves for a section of BIOL 4991 in Fall 2023

BIOL 4992

Literature investigations, review development, completion of written review

Seniors will be registered with their mentors for BIOL 4992


BIOL 4993 +

BIOL 4996 

(1 cr each)

Final review presentation, reflections, and department requirements

Seniors will be registered with their mentors for BIOL 4993 and the group for 4996

Consult with your advisor or email for further information.   

Note:  BIOL 4994 is not a requirement for senior synthesis.  It is in the system as an exception and will not be a standard requirement for our seniors.


Historical Curricula and Courses:

-Archived catalogs are available on the Registrar's website.

-Course Number Conversion to Four Digits