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June 23, 2022
In February, four SU students attended the 74th Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences Conference held in Seattle WA, joining thousands of other scientists at this international event.
The peer reviewed submission of four different projects were accepted and presented by the following students, all of whom had taken significant coursework in Forensic Science at Seattle University:
Susannah Sherwood, Chemistry ‘22
Rylee Bosse, Chemistry ‘22
Braeden Camarota, Chemistry 22
Lauren Bouju-Davies, Criminal Justice-Forensic Science ‘22
The titles and co-authors of their presentations are:
1. Bouju-Davies, L.*; Camarota, B.*; Skogerboe, K.J. “Estimation of Error Rates in Library Matching of Forensic Textile Evidence Classified by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy.” Accepted for publication in American Academy of Forensic Science meeting proceedings in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.
2. Camarota, B.*; Smith, C.*; Bouju-Davies, L.*; Cwiklik, C.; Skogerboe, K.J. “Assessment of Heat Damage on FTIR Spectral Characteristics of Various Fabric Samples for Applications to Forensic Clothing Examination.” Accepted for publication in American Academy of Forensic Science meeting proceedings in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.
3. Bosse, R.*; Sherwood, S.*; Fernandez, M.*; DeGolier, A.*; Cwiklik, C.; Skogerboe, K.J. “A New Method for Preservation of Forensic Fragrance/Odor evidence for Future Analysis using GC-MS.” Accepted for publication in American Academy of Forensic Science meeting proceedings in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.
4. Sherwood, S.*; Bosse, R.*;Tran, A.*; Tran, T.*; Marney, L.; Skogerboe, K. “Chemometric Study for the Forensic Evidence Classification of Pet Food using SPME-GCMS.” Accepted for publication in American Academy of Forensic Science meeting proceedings in the Journal of Forensic Sciences.