Dear Campus Colleagues,
Thanks to those who attended the open meeting in February to discuss the creation and formation of a Staff Advisory Council at Seattle University. As we shared at the meeting, the formation of a Staff Advisory Council would bring a formal body and voice for all staff across our campus. As you may know, a steering committee of seven people was formed and began work in the fall researching a staff council formation and election processes at other AJC schools.
There was a need identified to broaden the representation of the steering committee to better represent a broader demographic of staff across campus. We are soliciting for additional members to be part of the steering committee.
The commitment entails the following:
- Availability to attend monthly steering committee meetings, typically 1.5 hours in length;
- Ability to work in subcommittees in-between monthly meetings on key initiatives;
- Ability to help facilitate open campus forums.
If you are interested in joining the steering committee, please email by Friday, March 16th and briefly describe why you’re interested in serving on the steering committee.
Any questions regarding the steering committee or the process can be directed to any of the current steering committee members.
Staff Advisory Council Steering Committee
- Michelle Clements, Human Resources
- Eric Guerra, Athletics
- Kent Koth, Center for Community Engagement
- Mary Lou Moffat, Albers Business School
- MK Smith, ITS
- Dion Wade, Student Development
- Leann Wagele, School of Law