CEIE Presents Video Montage of 2022 Highlights

Posted: January 19, 2023

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE)

CEIE End of Year Highlights Montage
Watch the End of Year Video

In 2022, Seattle University’s Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement has started many incredible projects. This video montage highlights the five webinars CEIE has hosted, 30 podcasts released on Religica Theolab, the Fall Lutheran Summit, its new relationship with the Interfaith Observer, the beginning of our Interfaith Sharing Series and much, much more! 

In 2023, the Center has many exciting, new happenings coming up, such as a published book on Gratitude, a Winter Workshop, a course on Religious Literacy, TIO Spring Issue on Indigenous Essays on Mending Society and many more fantastic collaborations to come. 

Be a part of the action by visiting the center's website, and the Religica Theolab site.

Read the January CEIE Newsletter.

For more information, please visit CEIE or e-mail thecenter@seattleu.edu.