CEIE's October 2023 Interfaith Roundup

Posted: October 31, 2023

By: Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement (CEIE) @ Seattle University

Interfaith Roundup-300View the Interfaith Roundup here.

The Interfaith News Roundup is a CEIE-sponsored monthly publication through its online journal, The Interfaith Observer. Concise paragraphs summarize relevant religious/interfaith stories that impact society. Each paragraph is linked to the full story it introduces. 

“Spirituality is often approached as a solitary exercise, experienced by yourself. Prayer, contemplation, singing, ritual – it all works with groups, of course, but spirituality is also private and individual.”  
- Rev. Paul Chaffee on Spiritual Practice

CEIE’s Interfaith Observer is a popular online journal for interreligious and intercultural engagement around the world and was founded by veteran reporter Rev. Paul Chaffee.  

Topics Include: Religion Around the World; Spiritual Practice; and Interfaith Relations 

Find more information CEIE's October newsletter

Engage more with CEIE and its programs at the CEIE’s website, the Religica Theolab website and The Interfaith Observer.