Join Women in Jesuit Mission

Posted: November 9, 2021

Women in Jesuit Mission is a community of Seattle University women who desire to deepen their knowledge and commitment to the Jesuit Catholic mission of the university in the diverse ways that each serves the SU community. New or seasoned faculty and staff are welcome to participate in any or all the following ways:

  • Lunchtime Walk | Thursday, Nov. 18, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Labyrinth

    Meet at the labyrinth behind the Loyola building for a poem and conversation prompt and then break into walking groups for 25 minutes before closing with a quick boxed lunch. In order to have a lunch count, please RSVP to

  • Padlet:  “Resolved to Love, Walking Together”

    For those of us who are not always physically on campus, a Padlet has been created to stay connected in a different way. The theme of the Padlet follows on last spring’s Women in Jesuit Mission retreat theme, “Resolved to Love, Walking Together.” Please post here an image, favorite poem and/or your own words about how you are finding your way on this journey.

  • Self-Facilitated Small Groups

    Two options are available for small groups with book provided:

    Small Simple Ways by Vinita Hampton Wright, a book of brief daily reflections written by a woman who is steeped in the Ignatian tradition

    A Rhythm of Prayer edited by Sarah Besseya collection of essays and prayers from a variety of progressive faith perspectives.

    E-mail if you’d like to participate and indicate which group.