Register for the Arrupe Seminar

Posted: September 6, 2023

By: Center for Jesuit Education

Dear faculty and staff colleagues,

On behalf of the Arrupe Jesuit Community and the Center for Jesuit Education, we invite you to participate in The Arrupe Seminar on the Foundations and Vision of Jesuit Education for the 2023-24 year.

The Arrupe Seminar is a great opportunity to deepen your understanding of the Jesuit foundations of Seattle University within a lively, engaging discussion with your colleagues. Consistent with the emerging Mission Examen Priorities, it is an excellent opportunity to take a deep dive into the foundations and future of the Jesuit educational tradition that animates our work.

The Seminar, open to faculty, staff, and administrators at the university, will meet approximately every two weeks for 90 minutes throughout the academic year, beginning in October 2023 and ending in early May 2024.  

Since 2004 over 500 SU faculty and staff will have completed the Seminar. Each year, about 20-30 faculty and staff participate. Two co-facilitators lead each section, present material, and facilitate discussions. Visiting experts present during many of the sessions.

The Seminar is designed to promote: (1) understanding of the Jesuit educational tradition and of the Jesuits, (2) application of what one learns and assimilates to the carrying out one’s role at the university, and (3) commitment to carrying on the tradition from one’s own background and positionality. It offers a scholarly and personal experience, through advance readings, discussion, and personal reflection. 

If you wish to explore this opportunity, please indicate your interest by sending an email to ( by Friday, Sept. 22.  If you have any questions feel free to email Arrupe facilitator Jen Tilghman-Havens (

Thank you for considering this opportunity to engage more deeply with our Jesuit mission and tradition.


Arturo Araujo, S.J., Rector, Arrupe Jesuit Community               

Jen Tilghman-Havens, Assistant Vice President for Mission Integration and Director, Center for Jesuit Education


Who is eligible? All full-time and part-time faculty and staff are welcome to participate.

What is the seminar about? The Seminar brings together an interdisciplinary community of colleagues to explore the foundations and vision of Jesuit education.  Through readings, presentations and discussions, Seminar participants learn about the origins of Jesuit education, the tradition of personal and communal discernment, Ignatian spirituality, the Jesuit commitment to justice, the key role of lay women within Jesuit ministries, and the relevance of the Jesuit heritage to the challenges and possibilities facing SU today. 

What background do I need to take the seminar? Do I have to be religious? We welcome participants of all faith backgrounds, no faith background, atheists, and all seekers.  As we explore the spirituality of the Jesuits, we do so in order to understand the foundations of Jesuit education with a lens toward uncovering the mysteries of the human experience. 

How many sessions are there and how long does the seminar last?  The Seminar consists of fifteen 90-minute sessions (roughly every 2 weeks) over the course of the academic year. Many former participants have expressed gratitude for this length of time in order to engage fully with the themes of the Seminar and to get to know one another over time.

What does it cost? There is no cost. You will be provided with reading materials and with refreshments during our meetings if we are able to meet in person in the winter/spring.

How much preparation is required for each session? We invite you to do the readings as you are able, which typically require about 20-30 minutes to read or review material. 

What are the days and times of the session and who are the facilitators? The Seminar meets on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 – 10 a.m.  (Breakfast is available at 8:15 a.m.). The facilitators are Jen Tilghman-Havens and Yancy Dominick.  Several members of the Arrupe Jesuit Community will be presenters, as will other local experts.

What do former participants have to say about it?

  • “This is a singular experience. All new employees to SU should be invited to consider participating in Arrupe Seminar.”
  • “I have never worked at a place that wants to invest so much in me...Now I really know about our mission and values so that I am more effective when I talk with potential students in our program.”
  • “Participating in Arrupe Seminar has confirmed that I’m working in the right place at the right time.”
  • “As a result of Arrupe Seminar, I reformatted my lectures for my summer course to include reflection in my syllabus.”
  • “I am an alum of the university and have worked here for 2 years but this seminar really brought it all together for me."

Who do I contact if I have questions? Feel free to reach out to Jen Tilghman-Havens ( with questions. To register, email