Student Rights & Responsibilities, Spring Safety and Campus Vandalism

Posted: April 5, 2024

By: Dean of Students

The following message was e-mailed to all SU students on April 5:

Know Your Rights & Responsibilities: Review the Code of Student Conduct

Students are highly encouraged to review the Redhawk Commitment & Code of Student Conduct, which details students’ rights and responsibilities as members of the Seattle University community. Please carefully review the information in the Code, as it is your responsibility to be familiar with all of the university’s standards of conduct and the Integrity Formation process. Associate Provost & Dean of Students Dr. James Willette shared a letter to all students about the Code and other policies students need to know about, including the Sexual Misconduct Policy, Sexual Harassment Policy, Hazing Policy, the Resident Handbook and others. Read the letter here.

Stay Safe!

As the weather improves, we hope that you will explore our beautiful campus and surrounding neighborhoods. As an urban campus, it’s important to take precautions to promote personal safety. Some precautions to consider include staying aware of your surroundings, reporting suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety, and securing your belongings. Bike thefts and auto prowls are common in our area, so we encourage you to use a high-quality bike lock when securing your bike outside. When parking on campus or in campus adjacent neighborhoods, lock your vehicle doors and avoid leaving anything in plain view that might attract auto prowlers. When on campus, we highly encourage you to not leave your belongings unattended to avoid possible theft. This is also a great time to update passwords and to make sure your electronic devices are password or passcode protected. If you experience a safety incident or crime on- or off-campus, please report it to Public Safety by calling 206-296-5911 or by visiting the Public Safety office in the 1313 Columbia Building. Consider saving Public Safety’s phone number in case you ever need to reach them for assistance. You can also reach Public Safety by using the blue light phones located throughout campus. To learn more about safety strategies, visit the Public Safety website at Safety Tips.

Graffiti & Sticker Vandalism on Campus

Over the past few months, there has been an increase in vandalism on campus, particularly related to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Those choosing to vandalize campus property as a form of activism should keep in mind that these actions disproportionately impact the hardworking members of our custodial and facilities teams who clean up after these incidents. While we understand students’ passionate perspectives, vandalism is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and has a negative impact on campus climate. We encourage students to consider other forms of activism to express their views. Resources about activism can be found at Center for Student Involvement.

Wellness & Support Resources

We want to make sure that you are aware of the many resources available to support your wellness here at Seattle University. Learn more about support resources on the Office of the Dean of Students website.