Discernment — The Technology Ethics Initiative's blog
Discernment is the blog of the Seattle University Technology Ethics Initiative, featuring brief, research-driven reactions from a wide range of faculty on the latest technology news and innovations.
Cyber Liberal Arts
In this age of AI for the masses, social media influencers, and the funded amplification of our partisan perspectives ― all well described by Renée DiResta in her book “Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality” ― we often feel vastly empowered to contribute to our digital milieu.
The New Oligarchy
I argued some time before the U.S. presidential election in November that technology ethics would be on the ballot. Donald Trump’s triumph leaves no doubt that his vocal supporters in the tech industry and other sectors will push for a new era of deregulation in the years to come.
Gary Marcus on Taming Silicon Valley
Gary Marcus visited Seattle University’s Technology Ethics Initiative on November 19 for a fireside chat, moderated by director Onur Bakiner, on his latest book, Taming Silicon Valley: How We Can Ensure That AI Works for Us.
Where is human discernment in AI? (pt. 2)
Computers, at their current level of technology, can’t make judgements like humans do; why would we want them to?
Where is human discernment in AI? (pt. 1)
Computers, at their current level of technology, can’t make judgements like humans do; why would we want them to?