How to order Pay by the Day Permit
Before starting, you will need:
Step 1: Click on the following link and visit: and Login using your SU credentials
Step 2: Click on "Permits"
Step 3: Look for permit that says "Student or Employee" Pay By Day Permit and click on calendar icon next to "Select Dates"
Step 4: Select the day(s) parking is needed (for overnight parking, pick consecutive days in same order) and click on "Done"
Step 5: Click on "Update Cart with Selected Dates"
Step 6: Click on "Continue"
Step 7: Select the vehicle to be associated with the permit and click on "Continue"
Step 8: Select payment method and enter payment information and click on "Continue"
Step 9: Once on this page, review the information and scroll to the bottom to click on "I agree"
Step 10: Click on "I agree"
Step 11: Arrive at this page that says "Thank you for your order!" and check SU email for a confirmation email with permit activation email