The Organizational Hierarchy (OH) is a commonly held understanding of the university's operating structure which is required to consistently characterize the complex data at the university. The OH can be viewed as a resource aggregation and disaggregation tool, where the resources may be:
-Human resources: faculty, staff, and student workers
-Financial resources: budget, encumbrances, and actuals
The Organizational Hierarchy structure is as follows:
Institution |
Senior Executive |
Division |
School/College/Major Area |
Reporting Unit |
A video to introduce the SU community to the Organizational Hierarchy can be found in EngageSU.
Reports pertaining to the Organizational Hierarchy can be found in InformSU. Trainings about these reports are offered on a monthly basis. Please see Trainings in the menu at the left.
Reference the matrix below or download it here. Responsibilities and Authorization Levels in the OH
If you simply need to change the activity financial manager for a certain activity use the Change to Activity Financial Manager form.
To make a change within the structure of the organizational hierarchy use the Request to Update Organizational Hierarchy form.
To request a new activity string or make changes to an established activity string use the forms available on the Controller's Office website.