Development Opportunities

Interested in Development Opportunities?

The Office of the University Ombudsperson offers educational outreach to all members of the university community on best practices for preventing, managing, and resolving conflict. Training and education are often effective tools used to address and manage current conflicts, prevent future disagreements from escalating, and improve communication overall. When individuals learn skills to improve interpersonal interactions they build community, promote well-being, and support a healthy working and learning climate. The following interactive development options can be tailored to meet your team's needs.


Conflict Management
Conflict is an inevitable part of any work environment. In this interactive session, participants learn and explore resolution strategies, message framing, active listening, and a four-step model for addressing and navigating conflicts. Concepts covered are based on research theory in communication and conflict. Interactive elements illustrate key concepts and allow participants to experience and apply new skills.

Sessions on conflict management can be customized to include a focus on intercultural communication or an introduction to understanding group and organizational conflict.

Workplace Bullying
Conflicts involving bullying are some of the most challenging to address and manage effectively. Participants in this session will learn to recognize the stages of bullying, its far-reaching effects and multiple dimensions, and options for effective intervention, assistance, and support.


In collaboration with HR as part of the Supervisor Development Program, monthly in-person training sessions on conflict management strategies for supervisors will be offered beginning in June 2023. Spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis using an online registration process.

Register for a conflict managements learning series session here


Conflict Climate
When teams are committed to improving their workplace environment, an in-depth, all-inclusive perspective of their unit’s unique climate can generate a roadmap with tangible goals for change. The Conflict Climate Inventory (CCI) is a diagnostic tool and process available to SU departments and administrative units, administered by the Office of the University Ombudsperson who is CCI-certified.

Strategy Mapping for Effective Communication
Teams who want to make effective communication a part of their goals can benefit from strategy mapping their communication values and community expectations.  This process helps teams who want to strengthen their interpersonal communication and plan for working effectively together in ways unique to their needs.

Please contact Sue Theiss at  for more information on these development opportunities.


Sue Theiss

University Ombudsperson


Picture of SU Skybridge