How to Add a Video

Posted by Victor Chimenti on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 at 3:00 PM PDT

Host Your Video on YouTube or Vimeo

Once your video is hosted, all you need is the Video ID to add it to our website.

We have three video content types, the most common is the Video - Embedded which plays a video in ZoneA.

To add the video:

  1. Get the Video ID from the hosting service. It will look something like this:
    1. eYJOJg48r0Y
  2. Paste the ID into the Video ID field:
    1. The required fields for adding a video to the website


If you are having trouble finding the Video ID it will be part of the URL you see when watching the video on the service. You can also find it in the studio editor. This is what that might look like in your YouTube account:

How to find the ID of a YouTube Video in it's URL