Seattle U content editors can use the News content item in conjunction with the Organizer content item to create a running feed of news stories. The summary feed and the full text version of the news stories will appear in Zone A.
In the summary feed, you will see the title, the thumbnail image, the summary text, the publish date and a link to the full news story that says "Read More." Depending on how you configure your organizer, and how many news stories you have in the specified folder, that will impact how many news stories are listed in the summary feed.
On a separate page (with a unique URL), you will see the article title (as the page title), the large feature image, the tag line, the author, photographer and publish date, then the full text of the news article.
Navigate to the section where you wish to add your news feed, then click over to the 'Content' tab.
Click "Create content" and select "Organizer - Zone A." Give the content item a name and then configure the Organizer. At minimum, you will need to:
Additionally, you can give your Organizer a title to display above the feed of news items, specify a custom element for sorting, check a box to show the news stories in ascending (or reverse) order, check a box to paginate the news stories (useful if you have a large number of news stories to display), specify how many news items are displayed per page (if paginated), specify how many news items to display in total, select the start number, check a box to show a link to the original section, and specify the text for the link to the original section.
Navigate to the section where you would like to store your news stories, then click "Create content" and select "News - Zone A."
Pro tip: You may find it helpful and easier to stay organized if you have a separate folder/subsection where you just store your news content items, separate from your organizer(s) and the other content items on that page.
Note: If "news" does not appear in your list of content, you may not be part of the "Curators" permissions group. Request permission by contacting
You can easily include a running news feed on multiple pages (or sections) -- such as on your department's home page and on your department's news and events page -- by mirroring (or duplicating) your Organizer content item to multiple sections.
If you want the Organizer to display exactly the same in two different sections, then you should mirror the organizer - then you can update/make changes to the organizer in both locations by making the changes once.
If you want the Organizer to display/work a little differently but pull and display news stories from the same section, you should duplicate the organizer. You could do this if, for example, you only want to display the most recent five news stories on your home page, but you want to display all of the news stories on your news and events page.
This is the summary text. The "summary text" is displayed in the news summary feed (created by the Organizer content item), and it's meant to be short (maximum 2000 characters). If you click on the name of the story, it will take you to a separate page where the the full text of the news article is displayed.
Jun 20, 2017